Original Post
[Art] My Tori
Like this photos? pls Don't note this textures,i need change it after...

Editors Used: Photoscape 3.6,Gimp 2.8
emh... i'm not getting what you are showing off xD
you are talking about how you edited the screens? Oo if yes... the vote you will get will be 1/10 xD
|[Essence]|GATA|Artist Co-Op|Italians Do It Better|TA|
What? I agree with Dae67 I do not understand these images, I do not understand what you have done to them.

First one on the left... Looks like a screenshot of a pose with shaders in the bg.

Second one on the right... All I see is a blur effect (a poor blur effect at that) and a small glow around the tori...

So all in all it just looks like 2 screenshots to me.


Also please, if you post, please use better grammar, I couldn't understand the sentence.

Dont be so rude.

You have to change the backround, the textures and you have to get more experienced with the programs youre using. needs editing...