Original Post
[S] Selling 2 head textures (128x128) 20 TC Each
You can see both heads in the attachments (NOT THE TEXTURE JUST THE HEAD GIF)

Just tell me what you want to buy: Cry or Gray Devil?

BTW: This is my first two textures they are not that good.
Green one: Cry (SOLD)
Gray one: Gray Devil
Attached Images
Cry.gif (18.7 KB, 98 views)
Gray Devil.gif (16.2 KB, 97 views)
Last edited by Supercigar; Apr 5, 2011 at 06:32 PM.
you should add more colours, but they are nice, sell it better for 50 tc
they are good i buy the green one for 50 tc
oh hai
Added the tags, please read over the market rules(which are located in the stickies) before posting again, thanks.
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