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[img] Some anime set and heads :D

Trying some new hairstyles , etc.
please C&C, Rate, and comment please
Hi it's Praeter
Did you get my Request PM Mrama?
Layered Hair like Your head with the blue hair
hm i like the first one except i hate the eyes on all of them, just really angry =\

the hair for the second one (the one in the big part) looks bad, and almost all of them seem to have diabolic smiles >.>
Originally Posted by ?
is it a bird? is it a plane? no.... its loloholic

Screw helping Lolvale outpopulate vebamin C, the citizens need jobs! Help by clicking here! =P
First and last ones are neat-o.
<Cindermomo> finnish people are so weird
<Cindermomo> go eat your trees
the blue one will be mine in two days if i'll sell elf pack for more then 300k i could pay 400k for this but if ii will sell it for less than 300k i can only pay 350k-380k for it.sorry for my grammar but i really hurry and i am trying to post fast.
I'm [Addicted]
the blue one has realy nice head and legs, but the rest kinda sucks for some reason :/. the other heads look very similiar soooo

blue set 8/10
heads 7.8/10
The heads are very nice, but the set blows.

it looks weird, and blue and red don't combine all that well either.

Also, I like the font you use for the M, it's awesome, Trashco, isn't it? I use it a lot too. :v