Original Post
[render] tori w/flame backdrop

i use carrara 7, and yah, i despise the text as well :P

made this 2 hours ago
Last edited by Crisdar; Mar 4, 2009 at 10:23 PM.
To see the world in all its glory,
Is to see the world in all its shame,
So why see it at all,
My reality is my own,
Your reality is your own,
Deal with it.
Meh, the tori doesn't look that good, the left bicep for instance. The limb sticks out too much.

It's nice overal, but the letter look like crap.
I gotta agree with maple on this one.

You probably could've done without the letters, and why is there no head?

what program do you use?
Former Item Forger
i use carrara 7, and yah, i despise the text as well :P

made this 2 hours ago
To see the world in all its glory,
Is to see the world in all its shame,
So why see it at all,
My reality is my own,
Your reality is your own,
Deal with it.
tyvm man
To see the world in all its glory,
Is to see the world in all its shame,
So why see it at all,
My reality is my own,
Your reality is your own,
Deal with it.