Original Post
My First HandDrawn Head (Ninja/Anima)
Thank you mrama for all your tips and stuff, I'm definetly steering away from brushes and goin full on freehand pentool ftw. =)

Here it is: I debated taking the line off the back of the head, but it kinda looks like a seam? =/

Rate please =) (How much do you think its worth if I wanted to sell it?)
(Hive people only, haha!)
This is cool , but the head looks rather Box-Like , i think that a ninja mask has always got like little waves coming over the face not straight lines , and some creases and stuff at the back maybe?

Overall still nice head 7/10
Yeah, i'm the Boxman
<~ishi> damnit ishi where are you.
What you have there is nice, but what you ... don't have, isn't : D. You need pupils for the eyes, you need to get rid of the seam on the back and you need to DO something with the rest of the head and not have it just grey.
Whoop Whoop