Original Post
[Solved]why no refund?
i was in aikido and i put a 4k bet on myself and when i was just about to win he quits i asked in the support irc and some idoit kicks me oh relating to that what is the support irc for aswell?
Not nice to ask for help in a thread while insulting the people that can help you.

You need to post screenshots to prove that this happens.
With out screenshots you can say you lost 100k and if we did not ask for screenshots you would get free tc.
Not smile2 :D
As far as I know, bets cannot be refunded.
Support IRC is used for asking general questions and inquiries on Toribash technical problems, account problems, and other sorts of questions.
what am i doing here
bullshit do they the mods smods or whatever do nothing on this game unless banning people counts but they just abuse there powers not all of them mainly vox but nothing will happen....
No, they have way more important things to do then tend to your useless needs.

Just get over it and make more tc. It's not that hard.
Not smile2 :D
fuck off smile no bodys talking to you, go make friends some where else bye....

User infracted: insulting other members.
Last edited by Fee; Jun 1, 2011 at 12:40 AM.
Let me put this straight, you placed a bet, and accepted the risks therein. Betting means putting your money at stake, and it appears you accepted that risk. The risk failed, fair and square, and you lost your TC just as fairly. If you've ever bet on a football match, you'll see that you lose your money even if your team is in the lead up until the 89th minute. This is not supported, and let me tell you that I do not appreciate you calling supporters idiots, because this is 100% volunteer work, which means people try to be nice.

Go earn 4k somewhere else and learn to behave. If you fail to do the latter, I will make sure justice is done. If you reopen this thread after I close it, you're also guaranteed a ban. Cheers.
Last edited by aslask; May 31, 2011 at 07:49 PM.
i already closed it so why did you reopen it.......

Careful, now. -Aslask
Last edited by aslask; May 31, 2011 at 07:52 PM.