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[REL] BattleDome (striking mod)
It's a boxshu-like mod, but I figure calling it another "shu" of some sort would be a bit of a stretch. There is no dq, engage distance is twice as high, some joint ranges are altered a little bit, and points are also altered in a way I feel makes more sense. The dome was inspired by snake's dome from wushu3dome, but is of a different shape and a lot smaller (and walls have friction). Very easy to jump around, can already jump from a wall on second turn if you want. So yeah, it's already uploaded so try it out!


Attached Files
battledome.tbm (11.5 KB, 24 views)
Last edited by Odlov; Sep 7, 2015 at 04:04 AM.
What's the difference between walls with frictions and ones without ?
Sorry if this is the wrong place to post.
Haha! Ur mad!
Originally Posted by iPrime View Post
What's the difference between walls with frictions and ones without ?
Sorry if this is the wrong place to post.

Basically it's nearly impossible to use non-frictioned walls for jumping because your foot/hand will just slide off, whereas walls with friction can be used to jump off of.
okay, so first the dome is obviously awesome since it was designed by snakey
the walls having friction..seems balanced enough to me!

the idea of no dq in wushu..i have to admit sounded strange to me. but it seems to be okay honestly. you can't utilize any nasty tactics as for example in ninjutsu because of the 50tf. so yeah i'm fine with it.

the high engage distance is just great, no more openers deciding the game. people can finally learn how to move instead if using wikipidia openers or just use openers so that they aren't at a disadvantage because of op openers.

the joint range mod are interesting..the movement makes more sense and doesn't send you flying around..or is that just a hunch? pretty sure you can run a bit here would love to know what you modified

anyways great job!
Your messed up world enthrills me
I echo all of the things that Willy said.

Also, here's a replay of me and Willy trying the mod out (and me getting rekd in the process).
Attached Files
willy battledome.rpl (90.6 KB, 8 views)
Glad ya'll liked it ^^

Originally Posted by William View Post
okay, so first the dome is obviously awesome since it was designed by snakey ;D

Well actually it was designed by yours truly ;D But I did get the idea to make a dome from seeing snake's dome in wushu3dome. Otherwise it probably wouldn't have occurred to me.

the idea of no dq in wushu..i have to admit sounded strange to me. but it seems to be okay honestly. you can't utilize any nasty tactics as for example in ninjutsu because of the 50tf. so yeah i'm fine with it.

Yeah I wanted it to be a "pure" striking mod (to the death!) without arbitrary rules like dq. Also it's a bit easier to move around with no dq.

the high engage distance is just great, no more openers deciding the game. people can finally learn how to move instead if using wikipidia openers or just use openers so that they aren't at a disadvantage because of op openers.

Hehe. I got the idea from playing Marstunom's Marshu_2015. Picking up momentum and then landing one huge kick is very satisfying.

the joint range mod are interesting..the movement makes more sense and doesn't send you flying around..or is that just a hunch? pretty sure you can run a bit here :D would love to know what you modified

I didn't change them much, but I increased hip range a bit (makes running a bit easier), decreased pec range (default is too unrealistic. try to pull your arms as far back as you can and compare to tori) and increased shoulder range a bit because default seemed too inflexible to me.

Anyhow, glad you liked it.
This mod is a very solid striking mod that encapsulates all of the entertaining fundamentals of wushu whilst also pulling out all of the stops, such as disqualification and running. Odlov has put his years of experience playing striking mods into a new and rich experience for fans of this particular gametype.

That being said, Wushu players have been on the decline recently. The public Wushu rooms are often empty, whereas before when there was only one public Wushu3.tbm room they were full to capacity. I believe it is safe to attribute this to the change towards the creation of the public rooms utilizing both the Wushu_2015.tbm and wushu3dome.tbm mods. I say this because once these two public rooms replaced the original wushu3.tbm public room, the community took a sharp decline.

Furthermore, it is my opinion that battledome.tbm, the brainchild of Odlov, will once again replenish the communitys interest in striking mods. Because of this, I feel like it should directly replace both of the public rooms for wushu_2015.tbm and wushu3dome.tbm's. The mod is well balanced, forces players to improvise, and is very forgiving for players who would otherwise disqualify themselves or jump too far from their opponent. It is the total encapsulation of freedom to fight.

I hope the GMs will take this post under their advisement and do the right thing. Thanks for reading.
Great job with this mod!

Aspects such as the frictioned walls, no dq and the increased engage distance definitely make the striking gametype much more enjoyable.

I also agree with everything Mars said.