Original Post
Hi I'm Planning on Using a test folder to Preview Sets I make but i can't Find a simple decent tutorial to explain how to add them. I know i must convert to a tga file then name the files in certain names. But can someone list these clearly and link me a good/free tga converter.

Please dont link me to other threads I've already looked through them.

If you would actually read those links then you wouldnt ask such questions... ~SA
Last edited by SlipAnc; Oct 15, 2009 at 09:40 PM.
Look at the tutorials page. The tutorials tell you everything you have to know. They are not hard to understand.

Simply. Go to Toribash's folder (C:\Games\Toribash) or something like that. Then open the custom folder. Make there a new folder. Make a 128x128 pixels 24-bit .tga -file, name it to "head.tga" and put it into the folder you just made. Then open toribash. Write "/lp 0 *your folder name*" into the console and press enter. Tada!
Texturing tutorial
No requests please
And where can i download a tga converter ?

And im sorry slipanc But i Cant understand half the shit people say when there tryna Explain this topic.
Most Paint Programs can make TGA's, just click the drop down arrow where it says save as: and chose TGA.

Also if your program doesn't handle TGA formats, such as MSPaint, try googling TGA converter, there are a lot out there. (Or if you use Gimp/Photoshop/Paint.Net get a update as the recent versions of these programs handle the TGA format.)

Don't forget to save in a 128x / 256x / 512x / 1024x Resolution, as this will be required for the Texture to show up.

Hey, could you not call those tutorials "shit"? Ya' know all the work done there is completely voluntary, they get no pay for their hard work, they only write them in order to help others - out of the kindness from themselves.
Last edited by JinxZ; Oct 16, 2009 at 12:42 AM.

new Problem me and fee Attempted to Fix But When saving TGA with photoshop and nameing Right Still i can dl and lp the textures ive got in the test folder. any suggestions?
You're not supposed to dl them. That will try to download a player called Test. If there is no information about that player, the contents of the folder will be deleted. Use LP only when you've got the textures in a custom folder.
Also with this new 3.8 texture system you cant view textures on your own custom folder, unless you make it read only before going in game.

I suggest making a folder called test, putting there all the texture files (camed correctly and without RLE compression) then going in game a /lp test.

Vox sucks
[10:14]<siku> magnificent sparkling vampire
[10:14]<siku> i love you edward

Official minibash tester. Please email [email protected] if you have found a bug!

Well, on putting textures in your custom folder, isn't it just due to tb updating a lot faster? So if you have no internet, you'd be fine. It'd just be erased upon connection to the tb server.

Unchecking the RLE compression is a major thing to note. I'm surprised that it took three replies before slip mentioned it. :O

I'd recommend just DL'ing GIMP to save as .tga

If you are making textures, you shouldn't be using MSpaint anyway.
GIMP is also free. There really shouldn't be any reason why you shouldn't download it.

The head also has to have square dimensions. If I remember correctly, having it in 128x129 would be enough for it not to show up. (I have mistyped my dimensions a few times before)

But yeah, the new customs folder is pretty essential.

The parts:

head = head.tga
right biceps = r_biceps.tga
right forearms = r_triceps.tga (seems like someone slept during anatomy class :P)
and r_thigh.tga and r_leg.tga
just replace r with l for different sides. note that the arms are plural while the rest is singular.

go through people's customs folder or search for a full list.

I KNOW there are several threads out there with the proper names.
Gimp is Pimp(tm)

DarkJak's Wide-Range Texture Shop[LINK]

Incognito - [o]
Thats a compression for the png extensions.
When you save it as png, there's a checkbox saying "RLE compression" or somehting like that, you should uncheck that and your done.

The file will be 64 kB.

Vox sucks
[10:14]<siku> magnificent sparkling vampire
[10:14]<siku> i love you edward

Official minibash tester. Please email [email protected] if you have found a bug!