Original Post
[Tex] Doodle Noodles
Howdy amigos,

I don't really have anything too ground breaking to unveil this time around but I just felt like posting to see what's up and such.

Fairly large image.

Anyways, I kind of feel like sticking around for a bit this time. Get to know some of the new art folks around here and maybe do a collab or two.

Update to number 3:

Update to #3

Programs used: Autodesk Sketchbook 2011
Last edited by Jebus; Mar 13, 2014 at 05:47 AM.
1. nice headphones and eyes. idk about the rest, hair looks like a quick job with not much direction. And the sphere was never nice to girl hair.
2. face is quite nice. good colors and depth sides and back get a bit repetitive
3. haven't checked the mapping looks a little wide still but shrink it up and continue and make that hair/beard nice.
4. idk... looks like a bunch of random ideas and i know how these kind of heads turn out ...
5. stay please
all of the art is very cool but may i ask why there are ones that are very wide instead of squares such as 512x512?
I still take texture requests for usd
Originally Posted by killppl View Post
all of the art is very cool but may i ask why there are ones that are very wide instead of squares such as 512x512?

you'd resize them from 1024x512 to 512x512 because you'd get better mapping that way

also Jebus I love your work so much

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jebus you're definitly one of the best existing artist's, if not the best from your style and level of creativity. also your mapping is kinda perfect and i cant say nothing but the guys who offer lower than 35k on those heads are jerks
0118 999 881 999 119 725 3
Originally Posted by Slycooper View Post
The first and second heads are really cool. How long have you been making art?
I really like the tongue on #4.

I started making Toribash art right when I joined. The art aspect is pretty much the only reason I started playing.

Originally Posted by 13chillz View Post
1. nice headphones and eyes. idk about the rest, hair looks like a quick job with not much direction. And the sphere was never nice to girl hair.
2. face is quite nice. good colors and depth sides and back get a bit repetitive
3. haven't checked the mapping looks a little wide still but shrink it up and continue and make that hair/beard nice.
4. idk... looks like a bunch of random ideas and i know how these kind of heads turn out ...
5. stay please

1. I agree with ya. It didn't turn out too good. The hair was a very quick job, did it in about 5 minutes. Just wanted to get it over and done with.
2. Yup, like I said I generally lose all motivation after I'm done with the face. No idea how to find making the side and back more exciting...
3. I'm still getting used to working in 512. Not good for my eyes at all but w/e.
4. Yup, pretty much. I just posted it to fill out that page a bit more ;) Still, ideas couldn't hurt.

Originally Posted by killppl View Post
all of the art is very cool but may i ask why there are ones that are very wide instead of squares such as 512x512?

I mentioned in my little scribble below the heads that I'm just starting to make heads in 512x512. I usually always started really wide and with bigger resolutions since my eyes aren't the best. Once you resize them it's all good to go.

Thanks for the comments and tips everyone ;)
Got a bit of progress on number 3. I'm not super fond of it but any suggestions would be great.

Added it to the first post too.
Last edited by Jebus; Mar 11, 2014 at 10:53 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Throw down your vale of dishonesty heathen!

I found the ref. to all this C/P spam.

I am Shocked and appalled.

And to think I believed in you.

I like #3 the best.

#4 I don't know how you can bring it together and keep the sides interesting with how hectic the rest of it seems. I'd just keep it simple few bruises, cuts and darken it up a bit to not over clutter the joint up.
Thedevill:im 20 years
Thedevill:i have better to do