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Theological discussion from opposite stand-points.
Hello obey community

In the spirit of debate (and to quell personal curiosity) i bring to you all a challenge, in the ever-harsh relationship between science and religion.

Take the opposite side in the religious discussion, athiest and/or evolutionist, take the side of religion and explain it with what you know(vice-versa to the religious ones among you).

to make this experiment more clear, here is an example:

being a devout believer of evolution and a godless universe (though familial, i am still a practicing buddhist) , here is my interpretation of the start of everything as written in the old testament.
"everything was created in 7 days"
note "7 days", days relates to a full rotation of a planet or celestial body in orbit, the solar system itself orbits the centre of the milky way which is referred to as a galactic day. "Everything" may refer to the entirety of the universe, and our galaxy. So, how many galactic days was estimated between the big bang and the birth of the milky way?
Exactly 7 galactic days.

and so, let the discussion flourish with open-minded and poignant philosophical discussion

or descend into defensive drabble ending with shame.

Note: you don't actually have to believe what you are saying, this is simply an exercise and friendly debate. don't go hate mongering.
Last edited by tranman123; Jan 2, 2014 at 07:09 PM.
I would die if i jumped from my ego to my IQ.
Nature's mere existence is proof enough for the existence of god because it is so perfect and flawless and everything. How can you say that we are related to monkeys? If we evolved from them why do they still exist?
There are much more planets and stars than there are atoms in this universe so how could everything be made out of them?
The universe is so amazing and perfect that the sun is not the source of our warmth. Only faulty scientists think so. If it is so, why does a plane not get really hot inside as it gets higher and higher towards the sun? It is not possible without the intervention of god.
We have no genes made of acid either because we are not dissolving. God made us so our fingers don't keep on growing and growing but stop just at the right size to be perfect tools for us.

Arglax Moderated Message:
This is making me laugh very loudly ;)
Last edited by Arglax; Jan 12, 2014 at 02:49 PM.
How are you?
it's only logical that a cosmic explosion in space would create earth, the only inhabited planet, close enough to the sun for warmth but far enough so that it wont burn up. and also created other useless planets that are not inhabitable. and also created oxygen from the explosion so we can breathe, and trees that take in the carbon dioxide we breathe and give off oxygen so we can survive


a super cosmic explosion created humans and the perfect environment for said humans

teeth marks on my goosebumps, the chains frostbit me.
I was fishing for coherent, less passive-aggressive answer rather then conforming into stereotypes of ignorant Christians and over-righteous, science-based racist.
I would die if i jumped from my ego to my IQ.
Science explains everything and disproves God. I can't post any citations to back it up, but trust me it's pretty complex but well proven.

There can't be a God because God wouldn't have thought to invent evolution or allowed natural selection to happen (just ignore that he invented free will, radiation and allowed organisms to die which would obviously lead to evolution).

The bible is wrong because it's old and says something about selling your daughter as a slave. Do you want to be enslaved?! That's what Christianity is bad.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
Science explains everything and disproves God. I can't post any citations to back it up, but trust me it's pretty complex but well proven.

There can't be a God because God wouldn't have thought to invent evolution or allowed natural selection to happen (just ignore that he invented free will, radiation and allowed organisms to die which would obviously lead to evolution).

The bible is wrong because it's old and says something about selling your daughter as a slave. Do you want to be enslaved?! That's what Christianity is bad.

Science doesn't explicitly disprove the existence of a god, nor can anything else prove his existence. science hasn't explained everything yet, thus why a researcher is still an occupation. There many things that have been newly discovered and many of the things known world we are yet to fully comprehend, such as the mega-virus, stone-hedge and the out of Africa or parallel evolution to name a few.

The leading evolution-supporting Christian belief referring to god allowing evolution is called intelligent design.

Because something is old, doesn't mean all of it is bad. That would mean you are implying that the ancient commandment "though shalt not kill" is wrong. Context is always required an though I disagree with the majority of the bible I can see the value/history of it and want it has done for and against humanity.

(the head of the genome mapping project was devoutly Christian and was partly inspired by his Christian values)
Last edited by tranman123; Jan 3, 2014 at 07:02 AM.
I would die if i jumped from my ego to my IQ.
I dont see have a big bang could cause everything.
lets over view some really obvious points here.

1)What started the Explosion? Oxygen is needed to perform any explosion. There was nothing to start it. Science is disproving science here.

2) Seems alittle superstitious how an random combustion could cause Many galaxys to be created along with planets. And then earth was created with an atmosphere without oxygen. Then a single celled organism evolved into a multi-trillion organism?

Ok makes no sense really.
Just a Simple man doing simple things.
Originally Posted by Mike60LeGacyX View Post
I dont see have a big bang could cause everything.
lets over view some really obvious points here.

1)What started the Explosion? Oxygen is needed to perform any explosion. There was nothing to start it. Science is disproving science here.

2) Seems alittle superstitious how an random combustion could cause Many galaxys to be created along with planets. And then earth was created with an atmosphere without oxygen. Then a single celled organism evolved into a multi-trillion organism?

Ok makes no sense really.

1) It's quite simple really, in the beginning the universe was in a hot dense state, then it exploded and from the dust planets were made. Oxygen isn't needed for explosions because actually there can be explosions without it, that is how science really works.

2) The universe is very big so even though it's unlikely to happen on 1 planet there's many planets. It's like how there are many cars in the world, each car has cylinders that each contain tiny explosions many times per second. Putting together the billions of cars and many cylinders in each, it's only a matter of time before sentient life evolves in someone's volvo!
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Hey ill try make this brief.In my opinion (mostly because I'm a christian) I believe god created earth and our universe, a way I could maybe prove this is by what iv seen other people expereiencing (r.i.p english *spelling) for example a possesed person. A bit Hard to explain but its happend a few times at my church. I was sure good existed before but seeing how the posessed(by a demon) reacted when the name Jesus was said and when they were told to say the name Jesus -made me evan more sure that god existed. Believe what you want to though. And its unlogical(atleast to me) how a big bang could create a universe

Restored your long post - Redundant
Last edited by Redundant; Jan 7, 2014 at 08:25 PM. Reason: auto text messed up my long post : (