Endurance Onslaught 6.0
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Should people be upset about racism nowadays?
Hear me out.

The last time that colored people were discriminated against was during the times of MLK and when the ruled that you couldn't have "separate but equal schools", it took some years but from the late 1950's and onward I think society has moved past literal racism.
You don't really see people committing crimes against others because of the color of their skin do you?

I feel like because of what we're being taught in school and how slavery was a thing a couple of years ago, people tend to jump to conclusions when something fucked up happens.
For example, a cop beats the fuck out of someone for some fucked up reason and they just happen to be a black person.
People will see that in the news and use that to fuel their propaganda that they create saying that "oh, all cops are racist fucks who hate black people".
To be honest, I think that's really reaching.
Racism is frowned upon in this society nowadays compared to the 1950's where most of the general population were completely racist people.
The fucking mob mentality of people and the "Black lives matter" movement to me is dumb as fuck.
Especially when you have a shit ton of other minorities in this country too. Jewish, Hispanic, fuckin Russian, Polish, you name it.

I am a black male. Black as fuck. Mom and dad are both black, I fuckin was raised in the most ghetto ass part of Southern California, and not once. ONCE.
Was I discriminated against by a white dude because of the color of my skin.
The reason why I take racism as a joke is because we should all be doing that to reduce the effectiveness of some white dude calling a black dude a "nigger".
I feel like racism isn't a thing anymore and hasn't been since the fucking NWA, Tupac, Notorious B.I.G. days.
Okay the title is a little bit clickbaity, I thought you where about to sling some downright racist KKK type stuff here.
And Y E S actual racist acts are something people should be upset about in my opinion. It doesn't matter who is being racially discriminated, blacks, whites, the chinese, etc. It is at it's core morally wrong. I can understand jokes about it being made, dark humor is a fairly popular thing, but doing things like burning a person's house down just because they're a certain color is downright wrong. I do agree that the whole Black Lives Matter movement is a giant mob mentality dumpster fire and I hate how people do tend to jump to conclusions when the cops are involved as well as how they're treated because of this.
Originally Posted by DGRK
Jewish, Hispanic, fuckin Russian, Polish,

Jewish isn't a race, therefore it's not specifically racist. Discrimination against any group of people for their religious belief is just as bad though.
Originally Posted by DGRK
and not once. ONCE.
Was I discriminated against by a white dude because of the color of my skin.

Just because you personally haven't been discriminated against doesn't mean there is absolutely no one who gets racially judged.
Originally Posted by DGRK
The reason why I take racism as a joke is because we should all be doing that to reduce the effectiveness of some white dude calling a black dude a "A Word that might get me banned here".

I agree with this, to an extent. Actual racism is bad but when it's not malicious, in this case as a joke, then I believe that it's tolerable. People are a bit too sensitive to THAT SPECIFIC WORD now a days. And don't get me wrong they have a fair reason to be upset over THAT SPECIFIC WORD but we no longer live in a time where racism is a dominate norm in America so a majority of the time it isn't even said in a negative or malicious way.
Last edited by Seth; Dec 6, 2018 at 03:51 PM. Reason: oops
The Future is Bulletproof
"How r people still in jail? Just make alts lol" -Wizard
I do agree that there is real
racism still prominent in this country.
It's my bad that I just assumed that racism
doesn't exist based off my life experiences alone.

It's just that people get so upset about that
ONE word when literally half the people that use it on
a daily basis don't really mean to be racist or hateful.
I think there was an article I saw about a Bob Marley filter on Snapchat that
turned the faces of white people black and people tried to say that it resembled
blackface from the old Jim Crow days. I think that is just ridiculous.
If Bob Marley was a colored male himself they should keep the filter the same way because
it doesn't mean anything racist at all it just looks like Bob Marley's face.

Literally if they made a filter of someone like Lady Gaga or some shit I doubt there would
be that much of an outrage. Speaking of Mob mentality. I seriously despise the Netflix show
"Dear White People". Like we're at a point in time where we want to move away from racism
and then we have this show where it points out every single "white" stereotype and makes
fun of them. If we keep acknowledging stereotypes and that we should be upset about the other race
there is no way that we can move on from racism at least in my opinion. It's honestly retarded when
people think that white people are more "privileged" because of their skin color. If a white man makes more money than a black man it doesn't mean the white man is more "privileged". We all get the same rights. Life isn't fair. Not everyone wins in the end and it's not because of someone's skin color.

I really hope people realize that pulling the race card doesn't help anything.
I don't live in the USA but I believe statistics like the white:black marijuana arrest rates and the white:black police brutality rates point towards the existence of racism. Especially considering that over 70% of the population is white and that both demographics smoke the same amount of weed. For that reason, the BLM movement isn't just mob mentality, it's people in revolt.

You're clearly just mad because of the word nigga and the stigma it has, but don't discard racism just because of that.

It's also just like you said, you can't assume it's not widespread and a big problem just because it hasn't personally affected you.
Last edited by Dinis; Dec 7, 2018 at 09:51 PM.
idk how it is in america but i think the solution for racism is pretty simple.
"how about i stop calling you white and you stop calling me black, problem solved."~Morgan Freeman
if we stop calling people by their color(or religious belief) we will subconsciously forget about it.
Aadame:I'm very signaturable
It's just no one usues my shit .
Originally Posted by Alpha View Post
if we stop calling people by their color(or religious belief) we will subconsciously forget about it.

not how it works
humans have always bonded with their own people, in the early days forming tribes, and fighting the other races, it's still going on today just simply more advanced.
Originally Posted by DGRK View Post
It's just that people get so upset about that
ONE word when literally half the people that use it on
a daily basis don't really mean to be racist or hateful.
I think there was an article I saw about a Bob Marley filter on Snapchat that
turned the faces of white people black and people tried to say that it resembled
blackface from the old Jim Crow days. I think that is just ridiculous.
If Bob Marley was a colored male himself they should keep the filter the same way because
it doesn't mean anything racist at all it just looks like Bob Marley's face.

the intention of the act might have been peaceful, but it's not hard to see it was in bad taste I'm not going to defend the article because i didn't read it but there are still people alive today that lived in a time when black face was a common form of entertainment so i can understand why that would upset someone. any type of skin tone alteration to look black is clearly pretty similar to black face i'm not surprised people saw a connection.

Originally Posted by DGRK View Post
If we keep acknowledging stereotypes and that we should be upset about the other race
there is no way that we can move on from racism at least in my opinion. It's honestly retarded when
people think that white people are more "privileged" because of their skin color. If a white man makes more money than a black man it doesn't mean the white man is more "privileged". We all get the same rights. Life isn't fair. Not everyone wins in the end and it's not because of someone's skin color.

i think it's funny that the first part of this paragraph you talk about
how acknowledging stereotypes prevents us from moving past racism then you call something retarded. (use what ever words you want but this struck me as funny)
I think when people see the word privileged there mind often associates it with being lucky or undeserving of something which is far from the truth. privileged just means you had an easier time achieving something than someone else because of multiple factors such as wealth, the country you were born in, if you have any disabilities, etc. and in some areas we see race playing a significant factor in whether or not someone achieves something like for modeling in that profession and others there exists a privilege that comes with race. you insinuated before that racism is on the decline but by not acknowledging privileges do we support or work against that decline
Originally Posted by Mission View Post
racism is bad and shouldnt be allowed in toribash or anywhere else.

free speech. trying to censor opinions because you dont agree with it.

not that i dont agree with you
Racism should bother everyone. The idea that someone could be unable to feel safe certain places, be less likely for x thing, or have to be 'scared' of another race simply because of the amount melanin in their skin makes me sick.

However, as I was telling violet the other day, I don't let the n word itself bother me as a black person. The word just doesn't have an effect even if it were to be thrown out in a negative context. I'm all for it in the endearment sense but I don't see why I should let it have power over me.