Original Post
[A] Some Heads from 1 TC
The Great Head Auction

let's see which heads i am selling

Head Number 1

let's start from 1 TC!
the min raise is setted to 500tc and there is not an autobuy price!

let's go to the second one

Head number 2

you can see how much epic and PERFECT is the top of this head!
let's start from 1tc again!!!
the min raise is still 500tc and there is not an autobuy price...


(heads size: 512x512)
(No items)
(deadline is after 24 hours from the latest valid bid)
Last edited by Dae67; Feb 27, 2012 at 10:49 PM.
|[Essence]|GATA|Artist Co-Op|Italians Do It Better|TA|
for which one xD please say, everytime you bid, which head do you wanna buy ^^
|[Essence]|GATA|Artist Co-Op|Italians Do It Better|TA|
the min raise is 500 tc... so you should offer 500tc for both if you want to bid
|[Essence]|GATA|Artist Co-Op|Italians Do It Better|TA|