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Lopsin's replays :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
CnC please.
Completely off-topic, just realized these two replays' names rhyme...
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#impartible dobsonfly.rpl (143.9 KB, 62 views)
previously known as Lopsin
It seems that whenever I cnc someone's thread it's out of annoyance of others inability to do so. Alright, Lemme try.

@Dolphin's crawling through sky, Cool opener, nice launch, cool kick combo, and I like the head punch.
The twist was really nice, though the landing was a bit off. The rest was kinda weak, the flailing didn't look good,
the transition to the pose looked meh.
The pose itself was pretty nice though.

I'll cnc the other replay later.

Also hold your neck.
wow that
BUMP. I will not let this thread die! A little bit more REAL CnC then I will post another replay.
previously known as Lopsin
Ok, I'll CnC impartible dobsonfly;
First of all, the opener is way overused and generic. Every replay maker has used that opener once or more. The kick was powerful and 4DM boom looked nice. After that, the setup for your flip was the same as your opener, which made it look like you couldn't launch yourself in any other ways. Trick looked amazing, you gained alot of momentum and speed but instead of making a kick to the ground, you chose to kick after you land which made you completely lose balance. Instead of doing that, you could kick the air and land on the kick in a proper position for a pose. Landing looked unrealistic. But I loved the way you recovered your balance after that kick. The pose was fine too. Something I didn't like was the shortness of the replay, why didn't you continue the replay instead of tricking? But the replay overall was really nice, good job;

*Please check my thread too.
Thanks for the comments guys. Chamara, I'll check your replay thread in a bit.
New replay.
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#unclassical ozonolysis.rpl (183.3 KB, 37 views)
previously known as Lopsin
Lopsin, i've watched these replays and was in awe.
Could you err, teach me? Or give me some sort of... Advice?
Also, what are your settings on?
The opener looked good, and so did the core hit.
The next kick was a bit generic, but it was pretty clean and looked nice.
The spin was really awesome.
oh yeah