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►joope1īs replay thread◄
i maded new replay thread for sp replays i hope i get some cnc,comments so i can keep this thread up
►my vid:
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Attached Files
my first selfspar.rpl (431.0 KB, 51 views)
spinny jumps.rpl (184.4 KB, 35 views)
Last edited by joope1; Oct 10, 2012 at 11:05 PM.
That was actualy a very nice spar.
It had some nice fluid moves, try holding neck once in a while, I like the hits and the reactions.
Try avoiding arm-leg ghosting(frame 440-410)
Just keep practicing, soon you will be able to control them easily.
[ORMO] [OLDA] [The Team] [The JHX Experience]
Good day Dr. Freud
thx for comment large i keeped neck more holded on this spar and made spar bit longer
,I hope i get few more cnc from this one
Attached Files
joope1-on the spin.rpl (823.2 KB, 29 views)
Last edited by joope1; Oct 10, 2012 at 11:03 PM.
That last torso hit was fake, you edited the replay from notepad to get the boom.
Good job on fooling people.
I just added it to make it Look nice :/,
Didn't have space to Clear hit what would been better,didn't have time to edit
Last edited by joope1; Nov 2, 2012 at 11:17 PM.
Well anyways sorry for crappy CnC.
I have watched all of your replays and I have to say that your style is really good.
Amazing realism, its surprising that youre a 2011 member.
The last replay was fine, uke's opener was great but the replay generally wasn't impressing and it was quite short.