Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
[Tex] Demon Faec :D


Last edited by Jodarok; Aug 20, 2011 at 12:28 PM.
It's All About Expansion
Yep, as you said, there is a seam on front.
Also for noe it looks too blurry.
And small advice:
If you use dodge/burn tools too many times, image starts to get dirty and pixelated.
Thats why many artists use brushes to dodge/burn instead of these tools.
And yea, waiting for final result, really want to see, how that faeC (lol) will look =D
Dodge/burn are gay, i used brushes for everything so far.
Update ish.
Also yeah, it's bit smudgy, but honestly i don't have a bloody idea what to do with that.

Agh, it's too dark. That black line on top of the forehead part was a bad idea, will remove it later.
Imageshack raped this one's size :|
Also planning on adding 1 bigger tooth to other side of the head to give it a nice asymmetric look.
Last edited by Jodarok; Jun 27, 2011 at 01:18 PM.
It's All About Expansion
Looks good.
I like the black and white version the best.
Toriprime/VIP local moderator | Colon 3 | 4th dan
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[19:12] <&MrManiac> I kept pooping in my pants

I got this same versions without ears aswell, i'm not quite sure how those will look.
Also, if someone would be so kind to take couple ingame screenie. I'm too lazy to do it myself.
It's All About Expansion

You still need to fix the seam.
Also some parts on face (faeC!!!) look... faded? Try to color them more.
And try not to make it too bright. Otherwise eyes will merge with everything else.
So, the lightsource is from the left, and right?
You shaded both sides.
"i rlly want to join it cuz to me it is famouse" ~woodysaad
David, it bursts magic cum light from its eyes that makes it all shiny and shit.
I'd call it somewhat finished. Though if someone has some nice detail in mind tell me, and i might just add it if i think it's cool, and that i can do it.

Also no, it's not free so don't wear it or someone will rape you. I promise.
Last edited by Jodarok; Aug 20, 2011 at 12:25 PM.
It's All About Expansion
Huehuehuehue i'm making set for this.
I sold the head, dunno why. I'll get it back or make new one or something. I'm stupid.
It's All About Expansion
It's nice, but could use some reworking, rough outlines at some parts and looks too blurry for my taste.
Big genital guy hmu ladies