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Permanant thread that isn't permanant
Title says it all.

This replay is more stylish than my other replays, but less power in the booms.

Also hey.
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Noob Return.rpl (172.9 KB, 91 views)
Sold my dog to join RRO
It is pretty epic. There are some good booms. The ending pose is good.
The movement at the beggining, imo, could be smoother, but... meh...
art board mods: if they dont understand it its not cnc
Originally Posted by Robber7275 View Post
I don't know how black belts can rate this but for me, It's like you've played toribash for months even before it was released.

Belt doesn't judge any form of skill in this game, nor does it in real life.

But thanks for the comment :<

Originally Posted by Arturix3 View Post
It is pretty epic. There are some good booms. The ending pose is good.
The movement at the beggining, imo, could be smoother, but... meh...

I agree completely with you about the start of the replay, and thanks for the comment.

Also, I totally just bumped this thread.
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Noob Gunshots.rpl (157.6 KB, 64 views)
Sold my dog to join RRO
I love what you do bro. I love these desfuckingtructive replays. You are just amazing, I'm speachless. Well <3/10
[20:35] <Erth> :D
Man you're so so super duper epic.
That replay was just amazing , I mean you wiped uke's ass by using a weak kick, Yeah it was a bit weak. <--- Shows how skillful you are.
At the second kick (part) I was like ¯\(°_o)/¯....
Only one bad thing, When you dm'd the torso...Bad way of dm'ing.
<Marco> and then Oblivion tried to sexually assault me
<Oblivion> and Marco wasn't surprised at all
Yeah, same as above, nice replay overall, I loved the first kick, and the second too, but I hate grab,"pressure" dms. Still nice replay 9/10
The beginning was sick, the first kick was sick, the combo was sick, and i like how you got the head too. And the pose was sick! 10/10 no doubt.
The Color BLUE is everlastingly appointed by the deity to be a source of delight.
Cheers, to all you whores who commented <3

A huge collab with Tengoman...

He did the opener, I did the first boom, he did the movement towards the second boom and we both did the actual hit.

Also, Tengo did the pose.

Edit: Tengo is a pain and decided to post it on his thread.
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Tengoob Story.rpl (189.5 KB, 48 views)
Last edited by notnoob; Jun 5, 2011 at 02:44 PM.
Sold my dog to join RRO