Original Post
Blast off high jump
Hey guys.. first time posting on forums, but been playin for a week now with some awesome progress thanks to all the faqs and players... but now i got a problem. i searched it all over for an hour now but i cant find out how to check height of my torso jump... i tried the pause and "i" for debug but nothing came up... i got no diff mods or scripts running so that might be the issue, but could someone tell me i this is anywhere close to a record or not??
the worst part is i dont even know how high i jumped... again if u could please tell me it would be much appreciated...

2a. BLAST-OFF.rpl
22.31 meters high.
Welcome to the forums!
By the way, it is a record, because nobody ever thought of a highest torso record.
[23:23:53] <AndChat|700625> Blue eyes ultimate dragon best card
[23:24:29] <AndChat|700625> You know the one with 3 heads
[23:24:39] <~Lightningkid> just like my dick

[11:35:40] <box> Hampa suck
[11:36:21] <hampa> not the first to tell me that today
crud.. nothing shows up, although now it says altimeter on... sorry again im a newb at the ingame commands...


Btw thanks latenitekid, i still cant figure out how to measure it myself.. lol

well.. now off to work..
Last edited by degosaithe; Nov 17, 2007 at 11:24 PM.
i think it's slightly stupid if it's lower than the record for a whole uke in the air, but then again, i don't know if it is lower than that.

the replay, if rated for style alone, is slightly bland
I refuse to grab.
Like CnC? Most people do. Be a dear and spread the love!
sorry guys.. i was informed of my mistake, seems my dismemberment was at 50... i completely forgot that night that i was experimenting and set it to that, normally i have it at 100 but damn it, i need to dload that program that lets u replay the replay backwards.. ... i really didnt mean to offend, or make anyone feel negative towards me... sorry again...
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Originally Posted by degosaithe View Post
sorry guys.. i was informed of my mistake, seems my dismemberment was at 50... i completely forgot that night that i was experimenting and set it to that, normally i have it at 100 but damn it, i need to dload that program that lets u replay the replay backwards.. ... i really didnt mean to offend, or make anyone feel negative towards me... sorry again...

Sorry, I couldn't read any of that.
Tripstone says: heh
Tripstone says: clanless sucks
masterjepo says: Evolution isn't any better
masterjepo says: Cave man
Originally Posted by latenitekid View Post
By the way, it is a record, because nobody ever thought of a highest torso record.

I wish people would stop making up things like this.
<hampa> that is insane
Apparently having a life means to accomplish nothing.