yeah, now i noticed it. Oh, boy... Not a good start for presenting a upcoming graphic novel about invasion on Toriworld. >(
Anyone interested to help me with corrections in comic scenario :P
Story is simple (at start, but as all other clans start participate it will go who knows where...)
Hampa made virtual bubble where Toriworld is (cute planet where every clan have their continent floating above core) It is guarded by moderators who are like demigods. Then rapture in bubble start in the unfinished sector and the strange alien things start to invade almost unstoppable. They are severing anchors that continents have with core and by doing that destroying the Toriworld and inhabitants. Clans will have to unite... No more spoilers.
No, he uses poor grammar to symbolize the invasion of people that can't spell recently.

May you explain what part of the picture you made by yourself?
the whole thing besides teh text knwing 80j4n
well i could help. and i'm creative i guess.
My heart just wouldn't be in it, you know? haven't got one.
Yes. The whole pic is mine. U will see more when i start posting comic book.

P.S. And because our allies don't know we ARE allies i got banned for invading their forums. Thank u very much!