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[Solved] People say im hacking?!
I go on servers and they say im Hacking?! I didn't never hacked you people who keep saying this! I didn't Fricking hack! i hate it now since today somebody sayed i hacked on everyserver when i did not! This game is getting me mad now untill somebody stops this!
A...few things.
1) Don't rage so much. If someone tells you 'you are hacking', tell them you are not. If that is true.
2)If you are, actually hacking, choke on a brick.
3) Consider that the accusers simply lost by a hair. I've won many times by sitting on the opponents hand and not dqing, ghost touching, etc.
4) After a while, just tell them to stop being so butthurt about loosing. If 3) applies, then just admit, 'oh, i got lucky. should have lost. gg.' They might give you more flak about it, but that will satisfy their ego. Atleast until you beat them again.
You could just grow up and not reply to them... What's the worst they can do? They are probably more than 100 miles away from you. Words never hurt anybody, or harmed anything.
If they continually say you hack, most likely because you beat them, they just suck and make up excuses to get you too leave. If they report you, oh well. Your not going to get banned.
Don't take anyone's verbal input seriously.
They're just being douches.
If you know that you didn't hack, simply say so, and just ignore them.
If you did, you deserve what they say to you.