Original Post
4k Hands request
I need new hand textures and as the title says I'm willing to pay 4k for them.

Now with that settled here is what I want:
Radioactive base with white lightning (must be better than my current lightning)

Sounds easy enough, right?

Current look:
Last edited by Dronster; Oct 12, 2008 at 08:44 PM.
Probably the only pink Ninjabunny with pink bunnyslippers.
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Give me CARROTS!
gives me 30 tc
Roundhouse, someone can steal your texture if you post them like that.

Also, hands aren't parralel like legs are, so your hands will be inverted on one side or the other if you use the same tex for both sides.
Ill give it a try, just gimme some time. ;) Question: Do you just use Radio colours or some others, too?
Last edited by PainQT; Oct 12, 2008 at 11:04 AM.
Wanne Click? I think so. ;)
I use Amethyst as a primary colour and radioactive as a secondary.

I would prefer white lightning (but try another colour if you think it will look good).
Probably the only pink Ninjabunny with pink bunnyslippers.
this is an empty space
Give me CARROTS!
gives me 30 tc