Original Post
Enough is enough... Game keeps crashing.
I have this problem since months but now is enough! My game keeps crashing after a while. Its just random. If I have all on min setting that never happens. I also dont understand, why I have 120 FPS in LoL and cant have anything above 22-26 (I do know the /opt framerate 60 command). If I want to play the game for a longer while I have to play on min settings. I cant use shaders or anything. I got a really shitty laptop but I still can play LoL with 120FPS. I already did that but I still cant play with more than 22-26. Could anyone help me please?

Edit: I just checked the Support board first ._. and I thought it'd be better here. Sorry tho :3
Last edited by Matharu; May 29, 2015 at 04:52 PM.
I won Clan League 2016 #DidntEvenTry
Back at it again
I have the exact same problem. Even if I have it on lowest graphics. It still crashes.

"Dear reader, I hope this email finds you before I do."
Yeah i have been betting this problem, alot of people i have spoken to are having the same issue as i am

It is possible that toribash requires better graphics and processing than LoL, as it is a 3D engine vs a 2D one, but Im surprised that the gap is this big.

Have you ensured your graphics drivers are up to date?

Have you tried using steam if you usually use standalone or vice versa?
Don't dm me pictures of bowls that you find attractive.
my graphics are up to date and i use steam and standalone, ive tried both after awhile of playing it will just crash, im pretty sure my PC is more than able to play on max settings aswell

i can run tb highest graphics settings and it still keep crashing all the time its been a real problem for everyone lately
I be that fan for siscon, lolicon, any form of pixlepussy I can pooled my dick out and skeet on it buakky on they face