Original Post
Cant connect to servers
I tried to play a tourny server i wasn't able to connect so i just decided to play on another server and i couldn't connect to that one either basically i cant join any servers idunno what it is that happened but i cant connect.

I need help!
Did you download from the official site, steam, or an alternate website?
If so, download from the official site or steam, then get back to me.
Silver Elite Master. Fml.
Ele | Morals | JackMorris
I downloaded it from steam and ive played online before but i just cant seem to connect to any server and if i try to make my own it crashes
Originally Posted by JtanK
Make sure your firewall doesn't block TB; make sure you are allowed to join said lobby (not full, not belt-restricted). Then:

1. Make sure you are logging in correctly, check your password in login screen. If it's 100% correct then...
2. If you're not getting any error messages, it might be related to timing out/bad ping etc. Try using the /jo <roomname> command a bunch of times, like ~10 times, waiting a few secons between attemps. Basically try until you are bored. You might be able to connect. Alternatively you can check if directly connecting via IP works, here are public rooms' IPs ; you can do /co 144.76.1663.136 20232 and it will try connecting you to public kickboxing room. If you can connect then your options are connecting everywhere via IPs or /jo spam, or tweaking your internet/changing provider.
3. If neither work, it's some kind of connection problem on your side. Here's some generic troubleshooting for that

In your case you are using wrong password which I can tell from your login history riddled with failed logins >_>

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
I am logged in because i can play the game its just that when i try to join a server it says not connected and at the bottom left its says login failed for user 14kslacker
You don't need to be logged in to play singleplayer.
Just log in again, you probably typed your password wrong, like jtank said.
Rapid Threads Lmod.
Got any questions? Feel free to ask!

There isn't. Open your TB, click here

then click here

then clear all fields and type your login/password in again.

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
Originally Posted by 14kslacker View Post
I am logged in because i can play the game its just that when i try to join a server it says not connected and at the bottom left its says login failed for user 14kslacker

Originally Posted by 14kslacker View Post
I did that but it i still cant connect to any servers

login failed = you are not providing correct login / password

When you provide CORRECT login/password (you can check if it's correct by going to toribash forum in private/incognito mode and trying to log in, if you succeed - that's the correct password) and still can't connect, follow the next points I mentioned

2. If you're not getting any error messages, it might be related to timing out/bad ping etc. Try using the /jo <roomname> command a bunch of times, like ~10 times, waiting a few secons between attemps. Basically try until you are bored. You might be able to connect. Alternatively you can check if directly connecting via IP works, here are public rooms' IPs ; you can do /co 144.76.1663.136 20232 and it will try connecting you to public kickboxing room. If you can connect then your options are connecting everywhere via IPs or /jo spam, or tweaking your internet/changing provider.
3. If neither work, it's some kind of connection problem on your side. Here's some generic troubleshooting for that[/QUOTE]

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos