Original Post
[S] Abstract HeadTexture
Artist:Me (BH12396)

If you want ingame pics say so down below.(I didnt include them because i dont have 512x512 head texture so it would be blurry :/)
Originally Posted by Mooq View Post
May I see the stock image?

I feel really dumb right now but what do you mean by the stock image
Originally Posted by Mooq View Post
The image you c/p'd (copy and pasted) from.

I never c/p'd an image this is all made by me and the help of some cool filters in gimp =D
Right, may I see the gimp filters individually on seperate canvases then, please.
I want to be able to see the work that you actually did.
Moved back to Donkey..
Originally Posted by Mooq View Post
Right, may I see the gimp filters individually on seperate canvases then, please.
I want to be able to see the work that you actually did.

Do you want me to make a quick video on how i do that stuff?
Originally Posted by BH12396 View Post
Do you want me to make a quick video on how i do that stuff?

What mooq is trying to say is that he wants to see the canvas's of when you apply the filters. Just to show that its your own work, and not a simple c/p job you did.