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Demon Hunter
So I was playing this forum game on raku's board called demon hunter, and I thought maybe it'd be fun if you guys joined the next round? It's pretty neat to play, you basically murder demons (or humans if you are a demon) by voting for people you suspect to be a demon. I'll make sure there will be a prize.

Anybody interested? If yes, send a PM to Adrian and we will get you in the game as soon as the new round starts.

First round, for reference. A lot will be revised as that was basically a test round.

You are allowed to spread this to as many people as you desire, the more the merrier.
Read the rules, is confused, I would like an explanation on irc before I think about joining in lol
PMed adrian, it looks pretty neat.
multiple texture uploader! updated: multiple texture remover!
updated pretty colorlist!

<BobJoelZ> ok ive just rebooted my pc and ive tried to activate my reflex on yahoo internet explorer :/ no luck

<Aracoon> I do not enjoy having anal sex with multiple men
Originally Posted by Hush View Post
Read the rules, is confused, I would like an explanation on irc before I think about joining in lol

Okay so you basically sign up and when the game begins you will get a role. You can choose to tell other people your role, keep it to yourself, lie your ass off about it whatever. You cannot reveal someone else's role (unless you are the psychic). When you get assigned a role you can do something special, read the thread about what you and others are capable of. You will vote every turn, person who has most votes gets killed off and is not allowed to post in the thread ever again. Meanwhile, the demons will be secretly voting someone to be killed off and that person dies on top of the other player. The humans have to kill the demons as fast or as tactful as possible. Demons win when all humans are dead at the end of the game. Humans win when the demons are dead.
[20:05] <%Kingsta> This demons thing looks ace
[20:05] <%Kingsta> Is there an irc channel everyone from it sits?

Just created #demonhunter, ideas for better channel names are highly appreciated.