Original Post
ok so wut you do is you upload the image to imageshack or photobucket. on imageshack you make an account if you dont have one and you upload the images to it and get the forums code by clicking the + thing to the right of the pic and then you uncheck the box that says details and you get the forum code and pm me the flat image.

dont double post and i sent 200 for the 2 top heads.
no, if it is .tga, imageshack wont allow it. go to Rapidshare, or to host the file, then send him the download link.
<Hanz0> Crush his hopes and dreams in the palm or your hand.Doitdoitdoit ;D
i told him to email it to me tie and seb i also purchased ethon for 100tc as well as neon for 100tc so thats y u have 200tc.