Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
this is a criticise
hi guys welcome to episode 1 of my series where i critique and give cnc
today im going to give my personal thouts around staff, and i know i am qualified because illkickurass saids this

he posted an epic mike hatsunie dab LOL im putting that into my montage
anywayz, herez my thoughts;

developer: who the *** does naything besides fish?? he spearheded alot of the events 2004-2012, idk why he renamed himself to "sir" but he the best persons from this comunity, also minibash looking good slipanc hmu so i can make vidz of it B)
edit: i got dm from archee claimings to make wii, lolz who uses wii in 2012??

adminstritions: DUDES you have NO idea but toribash cannot ran with out fish (sir) or ishi, they perfection and pour heart into comuinity, unlike suomynoma who, i found out recently, was the alt of jarmund's bot to get reactions out of IRC channels. no wonder he never got bann for backseat moderatign, we need to start a blogpost investigating after this episode

super mods: speaking of backset moderate, smods try to get into my private 360zweihander.tbm server and act like they more important than all, when their color in-game is the same color as gamekeepers, bros who are you joknig with? ur abuisng power so u can tell me not to xdd at least war_hero is cool

teal & dark teal gamemister: at first i thought this is where power hungry smods came from, but then i realizd sham, illkickurass, stellar and sparkyAU were part of it, who gave the best bets servers in history with tonakai, so i gues they very good. hopefuly one of the four get admined very soon!

markets squid: i hate those guys. they come in and ask me to stop scaming others when im just pranking them for videos, im on my 7th alt and they wont give me a break. anyway i gues they imporatnt? idk i always thoguht veb was all what we needed to handle tori bash shops

clan management/squad: u killed spirit and bleu, hope one day u get dissolved

ircops: who?

torinews/bloggers: erth's posts make me laugh and skulfuk makes it even more good, i love solaxs "idc" energy but guyz some stuf might get alot of blogposters angry cuz of u using the f-bombs nonstop

bigest question of it all; why is there no one specificaly hired for doing tourney events? its liek ur forcing in-game police gamekipers and gamemesturbs to do duble the time of work, we all still use forums so why?? even the norwegian parliamentary system has more grip on their situations than tori bash do, i mean lok ath this

so guys this is end of my script, ty so much for 10 subscriborinos my dudes, every like is a free burrito in ur mailpost! : D

sarcasm aside, have someone do forum events/tournaments as a standalone ordeal, similar to ancient, instead of relying on half-dead event squad on doing anything
at least this way, they can be inclined to host more often, instead of feeling like they "have to" to keep up with activity, which causes the opposite effect lol
this is totally not so i can gaslight ponzo into hosting daily esbets
provide us a reason to open the client outside of checking out updates, looking at battlepasses that most of us are not going to participate in, something new
this is not a suggestion, it is what the community desperately needs (aside of turning off-topic into the shrine of shitposting), a breath of fresh air instead of spamming the same es-rooms and forums tournaments
Ponzo, forget your trip to London; we need you on Toribash!
<a href=https://imgur.com/gallery/AnXm6 target=_blank>https://imgur.com/gallery/AnXm6</a>
Dargon Moderated Message:
Infracted for having the best goddamn replays in Toribash history.

I did a little
skim through and personally I think what you're saying could be good, I appreciate how you are keeping the people informed while having your own little fun twist on things like that Harlem shake honestly. I expect great things.
K a B o o m !
Indonesian? | Magical Mode!
Chronoptic energy bursts from one plane to the other, evaporating anything it touches.

hi dudes, i'm back with another blog post after coming to the realization that boards on the toriforums are disorganized and horridly outdated, i mean...who uses the debate board? and what are those subforums - "pataphysics"? "ejection"? i'm playing toribash to avoid my homework, not to become an overly anxious marine biologist. today, i will spend a minute talking about what guarantees a "good" board

i get that some boards are necessary to give the illusion of variance within the forums as we get perma banned for mentioning bronies to jarmund, but cant we merge or rename some of them? for instance, discussion and debate can be merged into a new board named which i will call "off-topic" for the sake of arguments. if you spent five minutes on either boards, you'll quickly discover that, ignoring trash-tier opinions, both are filled with equal amounts of talks on religion [1] [2] and kitfox's "antics" in broad daylight (which i do hope someone brave enough can research on whether he starred in "the" roles, im sure there will be some conclusive evidence in irc chatlogs), so do pray tell me - what does this have to do with our beloved community of genocidal jousting mains and brony gambling addicts who are in constant denial? if i wanted to talk about real life, i would post under int/ in 4chan while cross posting it onto yahoo forums

File: 69420133736042.png-(42 KB, 420x160, duelershitpostercrying.png)

>wake up at 4 pm as the society reject i always was
>eat oatmeal with raisins and some leftover pizza from yesterdays ball game
>walk to fathers' office computer
>spend half an hour browsing facebook comic memes
>decide to open toriforums
>a new thread in the discussion board about insults
>post wonderful comeback to staff comment
>get banned for being an edgy troll

see how this reeks of the pure essence of stupidity? this should never be entertained in any multiverse, which brings me to the first point, and that is boards must not give off any scent of hallucinogenic effects that we call "real life" within a radius of 90 pixels from my cursor, focusing mainly on the game itself or on the community of shitposters it gave birth to

once you scroll down on the forums, you will find abandonware boards like music chat and tv/movie chat. this follows the first point about real life crap, except nobody cared they exist - 30 and 80 threads? yeah that would have been real impressive when y2k was still relevant

look at this toriforums graphic i made to illustrate my point on the overabundance of useless boards

one for general real life discussion, one for general "but opinionated" discussion, one for clans that nobody cares for outside of clan showdown, and one that is...wibbles. a board whose whole purpose is to out-stupid 4chan and break the rules, which staff change more often than nicolas cage's cameos on movies. i swear the staff were sniffing chalk dust while smoking alcohol-infused cannabis, and if one of you are reading this then give yourselves a clap - you successfully made a terrible board that condenses all discussion boards whilst nullifying their rules, sonichu must be proud. second point is that a board cannot invite discussions and has to be irreplaceable by other boards

considering all the previous points, the true best board of all time goes to...

O̚̕̚ ̓̔̿̿̿̕̚҉̵̞̟̠̖& !

not only is it the newest quirky idea in the block, it also gave birth to two of the most important part of our forums - activity in the mod board to argue on which mod is the best, and reviving the lost art of original tournament ideas, providing toribashians the perfect anecdote to argue who is the best player in each mod

an honorary mention goes to bounty hunting and showdown, which gave me players to pwn while making money, two of the best things im at! it would have been more stable if it wasn't for the fact many of those players ragequit. the softrules of not allowing shovels in aikido made the mod more fun, go figure

make every board have its own purpose, don't try to hide any or kill them off, as active users on said boards will migrate to somewhere else on the toriforums and they will most likely shitpost in retaliation until they get banned to oblivion. why else do you think we are getting spambotted quite often?

implore the staff to re-evaluate in-game hosting using the time capsule that is toriforums, it is filled with wonderful and as equally dreadful threads that may give the inspiration needed for hosting. spend your time doing something better for the community, instead of wasting it via reviving the old debate and discussion boards inside off-topic. we can go back to the golden era of "f@#k it, let's try something new", and for that to happen, you need to realize that the ball is in your court, staff of the community - throw a curve ball this time, won't you?

to end this post, i wll say that im looking forwards for the new versions of toribash, do hope we continue with the trendy codenames, maybe we can predict what 4.0's codename is going to be for the epic lols