Original Post
Quick question regarding see-through/clear
Using gimp, How do I make all of or certain part of the image see-through (I know theres a better word but I cant think of it) or even clear? I have heard that if you make it straight black then it's clear but this does not work. also I have heard that turning the 'alpha' up to 100 makes it see-through but I could find no such alpha meter. Can anyone help please? I am just starting out head texture making and I'm curious.

Update, I've tweaked some things and found out that on the right bar, at the top right the 'opticacy' controls the well...opticacy =\. So I will be messing around with this. As of oh to make CERTAIN AREAS clear, I have an idea as to how to do that. Will be updating.
Last edited by Alchemist; Aug 13, 2009 at 12:51 AM.
Also I have noticed that alot of heads actually look like they have only been painted on one side and then mirrored so that they are even. How might I do this too?

Sorry for double post.
It is alright. Maybe this will give more incentive to others to answer the question. I am starting to make heads that look alright I am still learning the technique...Only doing eyes and mouth so far. Tried hair a few times messed up but got close to good.

Im just curious bout the freakin transparency!

Also, I have 3 heads made so far...2 bad and one mediocre with no color scheeme that would go with it that I know of...they are TGA images so how would I post them here? I would give them out for free as they probably hold no value and also, how do I make a spinny head here?
Last edited by Alchemist; Aug 13, 2009 at 12:34 AM.
You can do a few things, but I only use 2 techniques. The primary technique is to select the layer you are wanting to have transparent, and right click the layer in the "Layers and etc" window. Then select alpha to selection, this will make everything on that layer to have "marching ants" around the borders. Go to edit->cut. The pieces with the dancing ants will now appear transparent. Or you can simply just use the eraser.
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] Narutoh powahs are gay! :O
Wow cool thanks. I will go try this now

Works! Thanks!

But now I have another question.
Once I go to filter>animation>spinning globe, I can make the frames but they appear separate. IS there a way to make them spin in gimp without having to save them as a gif file and looking at it?
Last edited by Alchemist; Aug 13, 2009 at 01:03 AM.
Don't listen to biotrash. To make a part of an image "transparent" or opaque. just go to where you see layers, and go to the next tab over. then you just paint black the areas you want transparent.
Wii FC:
5457 - 3838 - 7480
I think this is the solution...OK, make a new one (or open a texture) and click Layer>Transparency>Color To Alpha. Then after that, chose the color you want to be "see through". And to make them a spinning globe, click Filters>Animation>Spinning Globe. Then on the next window, make it have 30 frames, then click Ok. Now, click File>Save As. Then save it as a gif (example mytexture.gif). On next window "save As Animation". Then, on final page, click ok. There ya go! you have a spinning, "see through" head!
Last edited by Ieatu; Aug 13, 2009 at 03:14 AM.