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[ART] Simple Mrootz//tori banner?
This is the bomb
Last edited by MRootz; Jun 23, 2013 at 08:55 AM. Reason: ?
The picture and texture itself aren't half bad.
The border though..

Not sure what you try to achieve with this as it just looks like a cropped screenshot with a simple glow and a completely hideous border.
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.
Great job, I like the reflections and I like the glow given out but you should try out experimenting with backgrounds that will stand out and be noticable, also as Alpha said "a hideous border". I agree with that.
i am the best in toribash
pretty much what Alpha said, I don't see why you would use this as a banner for anything. If you are promoting your texture work then make something with only textures in it and not a untexturized body. Text looks nice tho :P
Last edited by Ezeth; Jun 24, 2013 at 11:49 PM.
Raytracing is more impressive to n00bz... its like the first thing a n00b does in photoshop is put lens flares all over that place.

I think raytracing should only be used to emphasize a texture set. Right now the only thing awesome about this picture is the head, and I think raytracing actually diminishes the texture, like glosses it over.

Also, maybe the wrists should be contracted to look more like fists if that's what youre going for
This is more or less an embarrassing joke at this point.
Pose, Border, Ray tracing..... Really?

Sorry to everyone who got hurt and or frustrated ;_;