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Ok For Anyone Who Would Like to Make Animation Files into a fast movie file (Vegas)
There are many programs out there to compile the animation pics into a movie file. I use WMM [Windows Movie Maker]
After you get that movie file you will notice that the speed of the movie is slow.
When using Sony Vegas, to speed up the movie file on the timeline you "Ctrl+Click and hold" the end of the file and drag it in.
There is however a limit to this method of speeding up or slowing down the file.

To bypass this limitation, you click the beginning of the file and Shift+click the end and render it AFTER speeding it up to its limit. When you get the rendered file, import the thing into the timeline and speed it up again using Ctrl+Drag.
Ooook i hope this was helpful to anyone using Sony Vegas and other similiar video editing Programs.
\o/ _\*TORIGOD*/_\o/
Originally Posted by Drakhir View Post
You have to pay to have Sony Vegas >.<

Ofc you do ;)
why are you posting links to illegal stuffz. What the hell? Do you want to get banzored?
\o/ _\*TORIGOD*/_\o/
why did you ban him, he seriously didn't know that was a bad thing to do, I remember when I done it, except I didn't post a link. Since people talk about it so often on IRC then people go to the forum and think its ok.
obviously, he should know that ALL legit forums ban you for posting links to sites. its like hes affiliating toribash with illegal downloading.
\o/ _\*TORIGOD*/_\o/