Original Post
Tamer0's Weekly Competitions - Feel the Power
Prizes sponsored by the Gamekeepers, cheers guys!

Hello and welcome to my third weekly replay competition! This week, I'm challenging you all to make a replay where you attack Uke in a combo/madman fashion. The catch? You have to do all of this at a higher dismemberment threshold than you're all used to.

Your aim is to make a replay where you cause at least 3 dismemberments to Uke. You have to make replays with the dismemberment threshold at 250DT. Sounds simple enough, eh?

The objective must be achieved.
Replays can't be any longer than 2000 frames.
Dismemberment threshold must be at 250.
Fracture must be off.
All replays are to be made in classic or sambo.tbm
All other game rules can be changed to your preference.
No hacking or stealing of replays is permitted.
A maximum of 3 replays may be entered.
All replays must be made for this competition.
Most importantly, have fun!

Providing you have followed the rules, I will allocate scores as follows:

Style ??/20
Destruction ??/20
Making the replay look like it's at 100DT (Effortless) ??/10

Total ??/50

The 3 highest scoring replay makers will get the following prizes:

1st 10k
2nd 7k
3rd 3k

The deadline is just under 1 week from now, 4th April 00:00GMT (Saturday night, Sunday morning).

Good luck everyone, let the replay making commence!
Good job Larfen and Sprytryne, those look valid to me.

However, Bloobling, your replay is invalid. Make sure you're using a dismemberment threshold of 250 next time, not 100.
Attached Files
Tamer0compo.rpl (214.0 KB, 37 views)
[duck] 01101000 01101001 01110000 01101111 01110100 01101001 01100010 01101111 01110010