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[IMG] Some of the portraits I made today
Hi, let me introduce myself, I'm Bojan (u may also know me as 8OJ4N, the guy who makes that comic about toribash named TORI-BLUSH!). I have been playing around in photoshop and art rage, and this came out. It's nothing serious but I wanted to share it with some other people besides my friends from real life...
So, tell me what u think.

First one is made in art rage (I like that program very much!) and the second one in photoshop. I wanted to make myself a new avatar that looks like me but it turned out that he's not =P and the second is just some girl from my imagination...
I like the use of color, and the fact that they're not realistic is a pluspoint in this situation to,
although the girl has a very large forehead :P

Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.
Whole face is kinda long, but I didn't said that girl is from earth =P. Since I'm SF fan, I always draw some strange creatures and stuff. Wanna see? =P

Edit: Warrior Caste Girl - Planet Cho-g.

and robo-girl. As u can see i like fast drawing, not much details, let the brain and imagination fill rest of it.
Last edited by 8OJ4N; Feb 23, 2010 at 11:00 AM.
That's pretty epic Bojan.

It does remind me of Mass Effect, though :P

Nothing less than a 10/10, keep up the good work!
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.
Otkad sam kupio sebi cijeli texture set, nemam vise pretenzija da radim u shopovima, niti da drugima radim texture. Oprosti, ali jednostavno sam lijen >p (jebiga, ipak sam iz Crne Gore hehe).