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[SOLVED] 3d items not showing up on minimal settings?
My candy cane and santa hat were working fine for a few days, last night i changed my settings for frame reduction and graphics.

I had my graphics on maximum and changed them to minimum, with frame reduction when I noticed it my items were gone. I've tried restarting toribash and deactivating/reactivating and changing the settings back to maximum and nothing seems to get them back.
If possible I'd like to play on minimum, with frame reduction, and my items.
Any help is appreciated
1. Try typing in chat: /opt obj 1 and /opt hair 1 . If it doesn't work:
2. Try going into setup->options and checking "effects always on", it should still leave your tb at minimum settings.

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos