Original Post
Dancing Spars
Here's a spar I did today
Im just dancing and I want evry1 that does it to post there replays here plz and rate the 1 above you

Moved to Multiplayer Replays. See Rule 1. Also, I fixed your broken caps lock key so that it now types lowercase too. ~Tamer0
Attached Files
Last edited by Tamer0; May 31, 2010 at 07:32 AM.
Hmm Nice. Here Is one i did. Not very good dancing. But I liked it.
Attached Files
Dex dance.rpl (551.4 KB, 21 views)
I'm back :)
XD tamer0, im so dumb, i didn't relize, so guyz i guess u do have to post mp replays

here's one i did 2day PS: this one isn't that good 4 me, but kingsta was doin pretty good
Attached Files
dancing.rpl (552.2 KB, 7 views)
Last edited by MrSpanky; Jun 8, 2010 at 11:24 PM.