Original Post
Ah hell. One more. Prepare for Amazement.
I spoil you guys with my creative awesomeness. I should charge a service fee. : But I don.t
Re: Ah hell. One more. Prepare for Amazement.
Cool catch, but didn't really do too much after.
Don't take life too seriously, you never get out of it alive anyways.
Re: Ah hell. One more. Prepare for Amazement.
The point was to perform a backflip (twice) with more than just one weight, I really hoped the ankles would break - but they held on.
Re: Ah hell. One more. Prepare for Amazement.
Hmm, you should save the replay with no spaces, looks like Person is playing at the moment
User was infracted for this signature. (Useless signature)
Re: Ah hell. One more. Prepare for Amazement.
Flips are still easy with more weight...
Don't take life too seriously, you never get out of it alive anyways.
Re: Ah hell. One more. Prepare for Amazement.
The catch was awsome. And I was acctually impressed with the flips.
+karma for you
No, it's not Hawkinz, Sparrow Hawk, Sgt.Hawk, or any other Hawk out there. It's Hawk. The original. Period.
Re: Ah hell. One more. Prepare for Amazement.
Originally Posted by Krin
I spoil you guys with my creative awesomeness. I should charge a service fee. : But I don.t

The flips were pretty neat.

We need glitter, lots of glitter.
Re: Ah hell. One more. Prepare for Amazement.
Just you wait, there will be glitter. And oh yes, it will be painf..pretty.