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Advanced Tricking Tutorial 2 - Terminology and Technique
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This tutorial will highlight real life tricking terminology and technique that can easily(in some cases) be recreated in toribash in order to give your tricking a bit more dynamic and creativity. If you are new to tricking or even a seasoned veteran, there will be things that you will be able to take away from this.

Round Kick: A traditional martial arts roundhouse kick. There are many ways to perform this kick, but the general guideline is that the foot is turned horizontally upon striking its target. The contact point, traditionally, is anywhere from the top of the foot to the middle of the shin, or the ball of the foot. It is common for trickers to use a pointed toe for this kick to add length and greater aesthetic value.

Hook Kick: A traditional martial arts hook kick. There are many ways to perform this kick, but the general guideline is that the foot is turned horizontally upon striking its target. The contact point, traditionally, is the heel of the foot. This is often done by using the back of the heel, just below the achilles tendon. Another way is to point the toe, and strike with either the heel, or the entire bottom of the foot. Trickers often adopt the pointed toe to add length and greater aesthetic value.

Inside Crescent Kick: Similar to the round kick, but generally done with a straight leg. The key difference is that the foot stays vertical throughout this kick, and strikes with the inside edge, and arch of the foot. In context, the direction will often be dropped in favor of the simpler ‘crescent’ tag.

Outside Crescent Kick: Similar to the hook kick, but generally done with a straight leg. The key difference is that the foot stays vertical throughout this kick, and strikes with the outside edge of the foot, also known as the blade of the foot. In context, the direction will often be dropped in favor of the simpler ‘crescent’ tag.

Inside Kick: A generic term usually referring to either a round, or inside crescent kick. However, this can refer to any substituted kick traveling inward.

Outside Kick: A generic term usually referring to either a hook, or outside
crescent kick. However, this can refer to any substituted kick traveling outward.

Frontside: A stance in which the performer’s chest is turned 90 degrees from the target, and their inside kicking leg is nearest the target. Often this means that you face into your momentum while comboing.

Backside: A stance in which the performer’s chest is turned 90 degrees from the target, and their outside kicking leg is nearest the target. Often this means that you face away from your momentum while comboing.

Darkside: The opposite side, or doing a trick with the opposite direction of spin from normal. It is somewhat uncommon for trickers to utilize both sides, or directions of spin, so tricks done on the non-dominant orientation, or from the opposite side during a combo, are referred to as being darksided.

Inside Stance: A stance between frontside and backside where the performer’s hips face toward the target. It is not uncommon for some trickers to adopt the inside stance as their backside stance.

Outside Stance: A stance between backside and frontside where the performer’s hips face away from the target. It is fairly common to see trickers adopt the outside stance as their frontside stance.

Transition: The method of connecting 2 tricks in a combo. Transitions are broken into several types based on the sequence of landing one trick, and taking off into the next. Simply put, this is what happens on the ground between tricks. It is the sequence of landing and taking off.

Vert Kick: A kick delivered with no major degree of inversion. The performer stays upright throughout the entire trick.

Twist: For the purpose of this site, twist will always describe rotation on the vertical axis during an inverted trick. It is not uncommon for people to refer to any rotation on the vertical axis as twist, regardless of the performer’s orientation.

Target: The imaginary point, or general direction where the performer’s attacks are focused. This is often more of a cardinal direction rather than a specific point. As the performer travels in any direction, the target continues to travel with them which helps to clearly define rotational amount and stance. Some trickers prefer to target multiple directions throughout their combo, which can cause a degree of ambiguity at times, but is generally accepted by the wider community.

Momentum Line: The imaginary line created by a tricker as they travel during a combo. The momentum line is generally perpendicular to the target both in practice and in theory. Using the cardinal directions of a compass, if the target is designated as North, the momentum line will generally be described as East to West for left twisters, or West to East for right twisters.

Advanced Tricking Tutorial 1 - Landings - Full tutorial on landings with more indepth explanation and example replays.

Complete: Also named by the number of rotations completed, such as single, double, triple, etc, the complete landing is the most common landing because it requires the least rotation, has a natural feeling, and is widely utilized for swingthrough transitions into corks and gainers. Simply stated, the complete landing stance lands on the outside kicking leg with the performer’s momentum traveling backward. It could be described as similar to landing from a backflip, but on the outside leg. This landing will most often be in approximately a backside stance.

Hyper: This stance is similar to the complete, but lands on the inside leg. This generally means an additional amount of rotation is necessary. This often comes in the form of approximately 90* of additional rotation, most often landing in approximately backside or inside stances. This landing is widely utilized for its ability to swingthrough into master and grandmaster tricks, and wraps, as well as carrythrough into the raiz axis.

Mega: Less utilized than the ‘backward’ landing stances, complete and hyper, the mega and its brother the semi are growing in popularity. The mega is simply described as an additional 90* rotation past hyper, landing on the outside kicking leg. Many people simplify this to a ‘hypered hyper’. What this means in practice, is that a mega landing is a hyper landing facing the opposite direction, into the momentum, on the opposite foot (the same foot as a complete landing). This landing allows for swingthroughs into aerial and btwist axis tricks.

Semi: As mentioned in the mega description, the semi landing position is growing in popularity. It can be described as 90* past the mega position, landing on the inside kicking leg. In practice, this means that a semi landing is like a hyper landing, but facing the opposite direction. This landing allows for straight frontswings into the raiz axis. There is still some confusion on the use of the semi tag when communicating. Because landings are most often used as prefixes or adjectives, the term semi is hyphenated with the next full rotation above it. This means that a cork that lands semi, but has not passed the double complete stance is called a semi-double cork. An easy way to understand this is to say that the cork has been passed, and is half way (semi) to double. It is not uncommon for people to try to bypass this term in favor of ‘cork-semi’, but this can cause some confusion among those who have long used the semi-double language. Arguably, landings as suffixes is more logical, but the pervasive use of terms like ‘hypercork’ and ‘megacork’ call for the continued use of ‘semi-double’ instead of ‘corksemi’ for consistency.

Vanish: A vanish is walking, they say. You land Left > Right, and you take off Left > Right, or vice versa. Vanishes are very common because of their simplicity. They are highly controllable, and efficiently transfer and create momentum. The common vanishes are pretty well known and understood by the masses, particularly in vert kicking for its efficient transfer of momentum. In the clip above, vanishes from round kicks and hypered hooks (shurikens) are performed. This is by far the most common use for vanishing, however utilizing less common vanishes can add an extra dimension to combos while maintaining the benefits of a more typical vanish.

Example: Pop-900-Round vanish 5-Shuriken vanish 900-Hook

Skip: The skip is the brother to the vanish and should be understood to be possible any time a vanish is. Skips are simply vanishes where both feet are never in contact with the floor at the same time. For this reason, they can also be viewed as a series of singular transitions, or even as unique tricks. The skip is a powerful transition because it can be used to manipulate stance and takeoff, as well as create a number of possible rhythmic changes to a combination. It is this flexibility, as well as the technical difficulty that often accompanies it, that makes the skip so special.

Example: A combo utilizing several skips.

Reversal: A brother (or perhaps evil twin) to the vanish, and cousin to most singular transitions, the reversal is another highly utilized transition, and is capable of great power. A reversal is simply landing sequentially, then taking off in the opposite sequence. For example, if you land on your Left foot first, followed by your Right foot, you will take off first from the Right foot, followed by the Left foot. Reversals can be seen as a shuffle, or a switch step. One leg just kind of bounces off the ground into the next trick. One of the most useful things about the reversal transition is its similarity to the swingthrough, carrythrough, and missleg, making it a useful step when progressing toward more difficult transitions that perhaps you are hesitant of, or unready for. Notice the similarities to swings and misslegs in the clip above. The only real difference being that the left leg touches before swinging up. It is worth noting that reversals are a relatively rare transition between inverted tricks, and will most commonly be seen initiated either to or from a vert kick.

Example: Mega-Sideswipe reversal Aerial

Redirect: The redirect is the ultimate in transitional convenience. Simply put, a redirect is a sequential landing, an adjustment step, and a sequential takeoff. This means that it generally functions like a vanish, but with an extra step in the middle to adjust positioning. It is that extra step that makes redirects incredibly controllable, stable, and powerful. Although it functions similarly to vanish, it should be understood that because the landing and takeoff sequences are reversed, the redirect is actually the second form of a reversal. This transition is widely exploited but rarely named, and is often times mistaken for a vanish. It should be noted that when performing a sequential landing, followed by an adjustment step, then a pop takeoff, it is not a redirect, but instead a form of the bound transition. Notice in the clip above the sequence of the feet: left, right, left, right, left.

Example: Cheat-360-Round redirect 360-Hook-Hyper

Swingthrough(s/t): Definitely the most popular transition in tricking, and arguably one of the defining features that sets tricking apart from other acrobatic genres, is the Swingthrough transition. Swingthroughs are simple transitions where one leg lands, and the in-air leg travels in a more or less straight, uninterrupted path into a takeoff. This transition is widely understood among mainstream users as just a backswing, the common back to front leg swing used to enter gainers and corks. Often times, the frontswing, where the leg travels from front to back, is seen as a separate transition, a carrythrough, but it should be noted that this is still a swingthrough by definition, and should be described as such. Similarly, the ‘master’ swing, utilized in master and grandmaster tricks is actually an inside swingthrough, although it is often mistakenly labeled as a missleg. The final common swingthrough is an outward swing, where the leg swings outward from the body, such as for an aerial or btwist from a mega stance. It is common to refer to this action as a frontswing. This swingthrough is often difficult to see as clearly, but should be understood that when performed efficiently, it functions as a swingthrough, and not a rapid or missleg. Simply watch the uninterrupted swinging path the in-air leg takes to identify a swingthrough. Regardless of direction, if it swings in a straight line without interruption before takeoff, it is a swingthrough.

Example: Mega Aerial s/t Btwist s/t

Carrythrough(c/t): Carrythroughs are just swingthroughs that happen to pivot, or otherwise change stance. Its that simple. Instead of a linear swing into the next trick, the smooth swing must be somewhat broken by a pivot to change general orientation or stance. These should not be confused with misslegs where the in-air leg will rebound, but instead they look and feel more like a less efficient brother to the swingthrough. Many mainstream terminology users believe carrythroughs to be specific to frontswings, with or without a minor pivot, and truly the most common carrythroughs do utilize frontswings, however, the functionality of the frontswing vs the backswing swingthroughs should be recognized as identical, although reversed, meaning carrythroughs are not just simple frontswings.

Example: Cheat 720 c/t 540

Wrap(w/t): Wrap is arguably not an actual transition, but is a misidentified carrythrough, or swingthrough, and is not even mentioned in the Aeriform system. Because it is so deeply engrained in the tricking collective consciousness it has been included. Some people argue that wrap is a swing into a sideflip, which only fuels the argument that it is actually a misnomer. Aside from the various uses of the word by some members of the mainstream community to describe a cheat takeoff from backside, or an over rotated cheat takeoff, wrap is a swingthrough type transition in most cases. Thrown from backside, or inside stances, wraps are somewhat similar to both front swings and master swings in some ways. The wrap generally takes off somewhere between the two, but can potentially be confused with either, depending on how the technique is performed. In vert kicking, wraps tend to mimic a swingthrough or carrythrough into a cheat kick, as a transition, although quite often what is labeled and understood as a wrapthrough into a vert kick is performed more like a rapid or missleg. This ambiguity somewhat confuses exactly what a wrap is, or isn’t. Needless to say, wrap is somewhat controversial, but widely understood and accepted. It should also be noted that the wrap transition, if it is one, is the only transition that can only be done in one way. While there are multiple types of every transition, each utilizing either leg, depending on the situation, the wrap is only done from relative backside or inside stances, and is only done with the inside leg as the base leg.

Example: Cartwheel w/t Double-Full-Hyper w/t Full-Hyper w/t Double-Full

Missleg(m/l): Misslegs are probably the most common transition used specifically to be technical, or to give the impression of difficulty for difficulty’s sake. This transition is rarely used to create momentum, or even sustain it, but instead it is used to create a certain ‘wow’ factor. To create a missleg transition, create a reversal where the second landing leg literally misses the ground, before launching back into the next trick. In a sense, misslegs function almost like an intermediary transition between a swingthrough or carrythrough, and a reversal. This transition is stylish and challenging, but is well worth the effort.

Missleg is one the most misused transitional names in tricking. It seems anytime a singular transition occurs that isn’t a swingthrough into a cork, raiz, or webster, the missleg name gets thrown around. This transition can be subtle, at times, so its important to look for the defining feature of the transition. Look for the in-air leg to travel as if it is going to land, then abruptly change its path. This is what sets it apart from a swingthrough. Less commonly confused with misslegs is its cousin, the rapid, which can be described as a one legged punch. This means that a rapid is a more or less instant transition where the landing leg just bounces off of the floor, rather than planting and allowing the in-air leg to rebound its momentum, such as in a missleg.


Rapid: The second form of the missleg, this transition is better described as a one legged punch. It is an instant rebound from landing on one leg into the takeoff of the next trick. Rapids are fairly uncommon, but have been growing in popularity since the advent of the feinted cheat kick, and their use by high profile NASKA competitors. One appeal is the inherent change in rhythm that occurs with such a fast transition that typically has very little height or rotation following it. Rapids are often used in multiple kicking combinations that stay more or less on the ground, such as narabongs and autobahns. Some would argue that the skip transition is actually a succession of rapids, or at least utilizes a rapid in a compound transition, and that understanding the mechanics of the rapid will increase the potential of the skip as well.

Pop: Perhaps the most natural transition, the pop is nothing more than a sequential landing into a unified takeoff. Simply put, you land with your feet in any order, and takeoff with both. This transition is a favorite because of its ease and efficiency in creating and maintaining power. It should be noted that pop is also the name of a takeoff that is generally understood as any takeoff with both feet simultaneously, however transitionally, pops need to have a sequential landing first. In the early days of tricking, pop was also a stance that is synonymous with what it is now called a frontside stance. There are still veterans in the community who use this term, but their numbers are dwindling as the mainstream increasingly adopts the term for use as a takeoff or transition, rather than a stance. It should be further noted that within mainstream terminology, when a backside kick is mentioned, it is implied to be a pop takeoff, and most often a pop transition.

Example: Cartwheel pop Double-Full

Reverse Pop: Arguably the most overlooked transition, the reverse-pop is exactly what it sounds like, a Pop transition in reverse. Simply put, you land on both feet, and takeoff one at a time. Reverse-pops are excellent transitions to create a change in rhythm and aesthetic because overwhelmingly, a trick landed on 2 feet is going to be punched out of. Choosing to reverse-pop is usually unexpected and therefore often gives a surprising feel to the combo, as well as gives you the ability to combo into tricks that are not generally seen from a two footed landing. The beauty of this transition is in its technicality, and rhythmic change, as it is usually somewhat slower than the expected punch. Landing on both feet is usually more difficult than landing sequentially, but you are given the flexibility of choosing your takeoff type with relatively equal difficulty. It should be noted that the reverse-pop and one form of the bound into a vert kick are the only places in TKT where the transitional tag inadequately describes the takeoff, and the additional cheat or swing takeoff tag following the transitional tag is necessary to avoid ambiguity.

Example: Reverse Pops

Punch: Technically, the punch transition is any 2 footed landing followed by a 2 footed takeoff. Its that simple. More commonly, punches are recognized as the powerful stomp into the floor with an instant rebound that we’re so familiar with from gymnastics tumbling.

The key to this transition, as with all unified transitions, is the center of balance, and ideally, finishing early enough in the first trick to intentionally stomp down hard into the second. In order to punch straight up, the body must be centered above the feet. If the chest and hips are in front of, or behind, the feet in relation to your momentum, the punch will create greater degrees of travel and flip. This transition is all about angles and timing.

How trickers utilize this transition a little differently is by transitioning from inverts into a vert via the punch. In order to do so, generally the feet touch with the chest a little bit low, but as they rebound, the retained momentum of the flip causes the body to straighten out and become vertical. Because of this phenomenon, it is not uncommon to see intended vert kicks from a punch transition turn into arguably inverted tricks by flipping at or near the horizontal plane.

Example: Scoot pop Full punch 540-Round(Backside 900)
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