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[In-Game] Advanced Dueling Guide
Hello all you people wanting to learn to duel, many of you know me as MoonRaven and for the ones who don't know me I am a skilled player when it comes to most of the community, and an average-decent dueler... Now that you know a little bit about me, lets get into how to make some TC dueling!!
First and for most, how to set up a room you ask? SIMPLE!!
1. Create a room with a name of "Duels" or something of the such

2. Load the mod you wish to duel in preferably RK-MMA,ABD,LENSHU3NG, or one of my favourites <3 Boxshu_mushu_v3

3. Use the command /desc ^71 5KDUELS This will cause the description to tell people its a 5k TC duel server and attract some players.

4. /duel start 5000 and then wait.
Now that you know how to set up your server lets get into some techniques of winning and making sure you make money, now I by no means follow many these rules (And I usually end up bankrupt) so make sure to follow them and you will be in the money every time!

Tip 1. One of the unwritten rules (changing that) is to KNOW WHO YOU ARE PLAYING, knowing who you are playing is extremely important to allow you to know which strategies to use to beat them and what strategies they will use in order to try and beat you... here are the most common types of duelers

The Machiavellian (AKA faggot)
The Machiavellian is a player who uses ANY means necessary to win the duel, this includes shoveling,kicklifting,running, and any other cheap means of scubbary to win themselves TC, now if you ever meet any of these players don't be to worried, they usually have extremely low skill and rely on these tactics to win, so they can easily be raped

The Skilled Machiavellian (Aka FlyingMonk)
In the case you meet this player you are fucked unless you also are capable of turning into one of these players, one of the most famous of these players is "FlyingMonk" who caused terms such as "Aw damn he used FlyingMonk on me" to be coined.

The good AF player
These players are good at the game in general and you should watch out for them,they will usually leave you bankrupt, these include people like Shmevin,Warrior,Fatulbrown,Zero etc etc

The kids who think they are good AF
These players are usually easy money and you should have no problem beating them, one of the most famous of these players is "MoonRaven"

Tip 2. PLAY SMART, do not be an idiot, do not jump at your enemy back first in mushu, do not duel an "ALL IN MATCH", do not play a mod like judo, do not underestimate your enemy, do not get cocky (You will fail and be laughed at), do not, do not be flashy, ETC ETC ETC YOU GET THE POINT.... This is a duel for TC, 1v1, think EVERY move through, use all the time the timer allows you, remember most mods arn't LUCK mods, this means you will need to use meta game to win, if you lost its usually your fault for doing something dumb. BE deceptive, follow SunTzu's art of war rules and you will win


Tip 3. Manage your money, ALWAYS have a cushion to fall one when dueling, never duel a match of 20k, when you ONLY HAVE 20K, its very dumb, my general rule of thumb (That I dont usually follow) is never duel more then 25% of your current amount of TC, another thing is check how much TC your opponent has, if they have much more the chances are you will get BANKRUPT unless you stop dueling in which case you will be called a faggot... tread carefully


Tip 4. One of the most important. Start a bank, every time you make more then 100k, you put half of it in the bank, NEVER EVER TAKE TC OUT OF THE BANK or you will most likely lose it... once it goes in it doesn't come back out unless to buy something, if you cant get 100k downtone it to every 20k or 10k or 5k, this will make sure you always have some TC to fall back on in a rainy day and it makes sure you never get completely fucked.


Tip 5. Its considered gay but get MoveSaver.lua script, it allows you to copy your enemies moves so you can use them yourselves, it can come in handy many times, Tip 5.5 (never tell people you have movesaver.lua you will be laughed at)

Now that I shared my tips feel free to share yours in the comments, duel responsibly and have fun )
Last edited by WorldEater; Feb 28, 2015 at 04:37 PM.
Whenever I get 10k, I save it in an alt.

Mention me in "The Skilled Machiavellian Players" pls :3

<font face=&quot></font>
Toribash Season 1 Rank 3 | Ex-ES Artist | Ex-Mascot of [Alpha]
Most of the mods you mentioned are luck mods (ABD and Boxshu especially). ABD was designed for people who are too lazy to counter shovels and preferred not to worry about them instead of acquiring the necessary skills to counter them. Wrists breaking is a common frustration. In Boxshu, it does not take much to dismember a joint, and is very much a high risk mod. Toribash by nature can be a very lucky game, so do not tell people that most mods "aren't luck mods".

Discord: bicycleforrats
<[Obey]Quest> yall needa tap into my telegram on gad
Chase Sapphire Reserve® Cardholder
Sorry, I was referring to Dueling mods only, of course toribash is almost all luck if you take into consideration random bullshit like lolnade... While ABD is pretty lucky, Ill argue about boxmushu to anyone, you need perfect timing and predicting skills to be able to outsmart your opponent, its not just (Dive at opponent and hope to hit them), maybe in mushu but not boxmushu... In boxmushu you have to make every block count and time your jumps and where in the air you will be at what time perfectly
What about BM? It is a pretty legit strategy in duelling.
If you talk so much shit and piss your opponent off your gonna have a much higher chance of winning.
Ways to BM, tell your opponent this is your first ever game of toribash and that he's bad, etc. Between each game spec and wait 30 seconds to frustrate him.
In all seriousness they are tactics which will give you a high win rate, although your rep will probably go -100,000.

Okay, you didn't have to go so hard with the examples buddy.

Last edited by Gynx; Oct 31, 2014 at 04:17 PM.