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2Bash's Create a Custom Menu Tutorial!
Hello there. This tutorial shows you how to create a custom menu in photoshop! If you haven't yet learned how to use photoshop, I suggest looking for tutorials.

This was done for Toribash 3.7.

Start photoshop.

Opening Files
Click open. Go into C: \Games\Toribash-3.72\data\textures, create a folder called Toribash and copy those 6 .tga files into the created folder. This is so you don't lose the original files for the custom menu. Now select the 6 files (you don't really need av_shadow.tga and indicator.tga so just leave them) in ..\textures and open them.

Creating the Background
First, you're going to start with the background. You don't have to, but it's a wise thing to do; create the main theme for the menu. If you want, you can just play around with Hue/Saturation and Brightness/Contrast. Though if you want to create your own background, I suggest creating a new document, 310 x 408 pixels. This is the size of the original background, although you don't have to make it this size. Create your background, then flatten layer if necessary. Now, drag/copy the image (background) onto the background.tga you opened earlier. Place it over the red background, and delete the original layer (Layer 0). Now, if you want, you can apply some Drop Shadow, Glow or Bevel and Emboss. Once you're satisfied, save it in .tga format as 'background' in ..\textures.

Creating the Header
Now, you're going to make the header. If you want the text to look like the original Toribash text, then you can download it or you can download a .psd that I created, which allows you to edit the original text.

If you don't want it to look similar then create your own. It is useful to place your header on the original one, then delete it. This gives a good guide to the alignment. Once you're satisfied, save it in .tga format as 'header' in ..\textures.

Creating the Others
Now create the logo and splatt in the same way and using the same tips suggested for 'background' and 'header'. Again, once you're finished.. save them in .tga format as 'logo' and 'splatt1' in ..\textures.

Viewing your Custom Menu
Open Toribash, and you should now be able to use your menu! There may be problems with alignment but that'll just be a trial and error job.


Any questions, suggestions or problems you have, drop them here.
Last edited by crux; Jun 18, 2009 at 05:32 PM.
I saw some menuses with changed font style.

Ok i defeat this -
I added stroke in background.tga ;p
Last edited by gnx; Jun 18, 2009 at 12:15 AM.
Yeah, you can. It doesn't change the font only on the menu, it changes the font for the whole game.

As for changing colours, it is not possible as far as I'm aware.

Originally Posted by gnx View Post
I added stroke in background.tga

Haha, nice. ;]