I know, i have bought them, that's my tori.
I mean to say that they should be incompatible because tori and uke are something like ying and yang.

You just bought both hairs and wear them at the same time...

Those won't change when you are tori or uke.
They are just normal hair.

I've heard that some hair can't be worn together, like kung fu beard and minihawk (just rumors) What i want to say is that it should be made so you can't wear uke and tori hair at the same time.

I was told you can wear any hair ontop of another also you can put hair color toghter, they combine.
I dunno though, don't use hair color
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Is it a new hair type or? I don't even like hair but it would be good to know.
Ninjutsu Club.
Ninjutsu Club Leader.

Retired, at least for now.
Wearing two hairs at once is actually a bug and isn't suppose to happen, it will be fixed.
Done with this community, you guys suck.