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Staff Appreciation Board

I can't help but notice that the forums have a specific board to complain about staff, but lack any place to talk about us normal users appreciating staff. Often times, the work of staff who go out of their way to solve scam reports, answer reports/reported posts, etc. may not be visible to the general public.

I think that shows a lack of transparency and a bias to think when staff is involved, it's a bad thing. Like if the only time you see an smod is when they've "wrongfully" infracted you, you may see them as ill-fitted figures. I'm sure many users want to publicize the nice interactions they have with staff as a pat on the back. This would help the users realize "Oh hey, so and so does a lot more good than bad", rather than the staff simply having to say "Trust us, we know he does good work!" Plus this has the added bonuses of a) the staff members feeling more acknowledged for their work, encouraging them to do more and b) helping upper staff decide who may be right for the next promotion. If admins/smods could see more positive reviews of their staff on personal level, they might consider that in further applications for staff advancement.

Overall, I think it'd just create a healthy environment for the regular users to brag about staff now and again when they do a good job.

Thanks for reading.
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Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
It'd ease the burn out from moderating Toribash, but I don't think anyone would use it.
Users rarely can shoot me a "thank you" after I help them out while having direct contact via PM or IRC, let alone go out of their way to make a post about it.
That being said, I don't expect anyone to "brag" just because we do our job that we signed up for..

I think the only thing the users here are interested with in relation to staff is to complain if they ever get infracted or banned; I'm convinced the only good staff to users are the ones that have never shot an infraction at them or deleted one of their posts.
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up

I think it'd be nice. If you gave a lot of people an easy way to communicate good things staff does, you'd probably see more people give compliments. This wouldn't only be good for, you know, staff feeling better about what they're doing, but also for higher staff to evaluate how people are doing.

Idk how active a whole board would be, but there's probably no harm in putting a thread somewhere to try it.
A board might be overkill yeah, but certainly a stickied thread somewhere?

And no of course TyZi - I don't expect people to sing your praises if you're just doing the job you sign up for. That being said, when you go above and beyond, people recognize that. And it's nice to have an avenue for them to show their appreciation.
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Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
I think a board like this would not be useful, you can always pm a mod if you would like to thank them or often times their legend thread. Also I am very opposed to ass kissing, and this sounds a lot like ass kissing to me.