Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
New Player Help-Different Forms of Dismemberment
In Toribash there are a few different forces at play that help to snap off a limb.
  • Shear- This happens when a joint has a force applied to it that counteracts its natural range of motion
    such as raising your arm up then bringing it straight down on your opponent's shoulder whereupon the downward
    force acts against the shoulder's natural movement
    (Examples in Shear+Extension replay)

  • Compression- This happens when two joints are as the name suggests, compressed together usually far enough
    so that it is forced off its usuall plane (This force is usually confused with shearing force or rotational as they look alike)
    (Example in Compression+Twist replay)

  • Hyper-extension-The third type of force that acts upon the joint is hyper-extension, which is when you see a limb torn off. It occurs when you grab a part of the body (usually a stronger joint such as the torso) and then grab a weaker joint such as an elbow or shoulder. You then apply extending forces on your pecs and elbows to Pull the joint apart.
    (Example found in Shear+Extension)

  • Rotational-This in itself is a type of shear force, instead of applying a direct opposite force against the joint you
    simply rotate it in a direction that it would not usually move.
    (Example found in Compression+Twist replay)

  • Lever Break1-This form of breakage occurs when a limb has a force acted upon it but a connecting joint is stopped and is the continuing appendage goes beyond its usually range of motion causing it to snap.
    (Example in Leverbreak replay)

In the replay attached I use 3 of the 4 forces discussed: Rotational, Hyper-extension and Compression.
At the beginning of the replay I move my arms in place to apply compressional force. When I lower my arms
I extend my elbows and hyper-extend the neck past its normal backwards range of motion. Then my arms
continue downward and compress the torso which then acts on the lumbar. The lumbar is dislocated
under the pressure. After that I grab the abdomen with both hands, with one arm I contract and the other
I extend the arm and wrist. This puts rotational force on the joint and dislocates it.

There is also a second attachment showing how a Lever Break works. Not a lot to explain on that one.

In the third replay (Shear+Extension) I first use shear force to remove the right arm and shoulder
I then hyper-extend the neck and dislocate it by literally tearing it off. I then throw it up (which
reaches 28.83 at full height) then I bring by arm back around and use shear force once again
to remove the other arm and shoulder.

1Courtesy of a reminder from Patrick->See the replay in his post for a visual

Comment if any of you new players found this helpful, though this might be better in the tutorial section.
Attached Files
compression&twist.rpl (59.7 KB, 676 views)
leverbreak.rpl (15.6 KB, 503 views)
shear+extension.rpl (85.3 KB, 564 views)
01110111011010000110100101101100011001010010100000 10101000101000011110000010101100101011001010010011 11010010101000101000011110010010101100101011001010 010010100100111011
Re: New Player Help-Different Forms of Dismemberment
ive played tb for awhile and i didnt know some of this. i just tryed hitting stuff as hard as i could :P
Re: New Player Help-Different Forms of Dismemberment
Just hitting as hard as you can is not always the best way to go. There are so many different factors: momentum, angle of attack, the damage threshold for a joint, a joint's range of motion. A lot of things come into play that add to a successful attack/defense
01110111011010000110100101101100011001010010100000 10101000101000011110000010101100101011001010010011 11010010101000101000011110010010101100101011001010 010010100100111011
Re: New Player Help-Different Forms of Dismemberment
how do you calculate that. does it have anything to do with "i"?
Re: New Player Help-Different Forms of Dismemberment
No, they are all obvious once you know what you are looking for. Momentum is definitely obvious, angle of attack also being obvious though it is contextual depending on which limb you are attacking with1. Damage threshold for different joints are easy to observe, the neck joint being fairly weak and the torso being fairly strong in comparison, the joint's range of motion is another obvious one (if you go outside of the normal range its gonna snap or bug out)

1If you hit someone in the the back of the neck its gonna snap the head off almost every single time but one from the top may not.
01110111011010000110100101101100011001010010100000 10101000101000011110000010101100101011001010010011 11010010101000101000011110010010101100101011001010 010010100100111011
Re: New Player Help-Different Forms of Dismemberment
Thank you, eventually if I stop being so lazy I'll write another short tutorial on something. Or just elaborate on this one, adding some examples to the different parts. Once you get a hang of looking for certain openings and avoiding certain movements it becomes natural and it should lest you clap and tear your hands off, or punch/kick the ground and lose a hand/foot, or maybe just contract your elbow where you weren't supposed to and snap it off :P
01110111011010000110100101101100011001010010100000 10101000101000011110000010101100101011001010010011 11010010101000101000011110010010101100101011001010 010010100100111011
Re: New Player Help-Different Forms of Dismemberment
There are a couple of ways you missed. There is also a lever break. That is where you lodge something between two of there limbs on a joint and they bend their joint. It snaps their joint imediatly. Here is a replay to show what i mean.
Attached Files
onlinerunawayarms.rpl (28.6 KB, 182 views)
Re: New Player Help-Different Forms of Dismemberment
Yea i know. That was the only replay i could think of at the time. :
Re: New Player Help-Different Forms of Dismemberment
wow this toturial is very nice
i like that replay u made too
very nice
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