Originally Posted by NinoRossii View Post
Awesome work man 9/10 (sorry ic0on but the music sux)

I don't see how anybody can consider old pendulum to suck, but whatever, your loss.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
It's pretty neat, good replays.
It lacked some special things, not sure what though, maybe more cool effects, song sync and such.
Though it could use an intro, it hopped into the action too fast for me.
Too much action for the start part where the song didn't really kick in yet.
8/10 from me, good job, keep it up.
Not too bad.
Needed a bit more effects other than just speeding it up.
Your camera effects needed a little work, but nonetheless it was all good overall.

imo i hardly saw sync but i think the music was a little too much to sync,
some camera angles were kind of off the target,
but all and all a good video.
~I make videos and stuff~
Try harder at freecam at some points it was shaky and you couldn't see much

Try transitions

Don't overuse the shake effect

Maybe add some effects good replays )TEO your favorite satanist