Original Post
[Auction] black and dragon tribal set
One day in a dark labaratory...
A mad scientist had an inspiration...
His tribal instincts took hold...
He began to build...
He began to draw...
and a tribal set is born...

Starting Bid:2k
Minimum Raise:1k
Auto Buy:10k

Current leader: KING7kai
Highest bid:3k
Last edited by kwygon; Apr 27, 2009 at 06:02 PM.
Decent set. Nice tribal work. A commendable effort compared to some of the attempts at tribal I have failed at.

Keep it up you may have a bright future in the texture making community.
Shop (Óc¸Ó ) PM me if you want to buy TC
Sorry, no items accepted unles item value in torishop is 2k at least over current bid.
King you are the leader, but you might want to see my other auction aswell.\
Last edited by kwygon; Apr 28, 2009 at 06:42 PM.