Original Post
How does one post replays to Youtube?
Hi guys, newb here.
I'm wanting to post my first Toribash replays to my Youtube channel, and i've looked around the forums, but all the threads I've found are very old, using archaic versions from 2007ish.

I've been trying to use the Search function, but it doesn't seem to be working atm.

Are there any modern tutorials or guide on how to do this?
Get a youtube account first,then go to video manager,add in videos,add in sound,upload,you're done
Bye bye toribash
Yes, but they're not coming up as videos. Youtube isn't accepting the *.rpl file as a video.
I guess my phrasing should be "How do i convert the replay to a format that Youtube will accept?"
I've run the movie.lua script, but it just made a massive pile of screenshots, no videos.
.rpl isn't some kind of movie format to begin with.

Get a screen recording software, record the replay, upload the video.

If you want the replay recorded without all the extra stuff, type /opt hud 0 and press escape twice to get rid of the game box at the bottom left corner.
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<[Obey]PlataBear> I yolo so hard erth looks up from his toilet
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