Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
(TCV) Wanna join us?
Team Cold Vortex Recruitment

:: About us ::
We are a group of players who enjoy talking on discord while doing all sorts of things.
We also like hosting and being part of clan events, so prepare to give it all.
Our clan is mostly based on friendship, so don't try to enter if you don't know us.
You better contact us by discord first.

:: Requirements ::
You have to be skilled at some point of Toribash.
And you have to be friendly, not just with us but with all players.
We want to keep that friendly image so if you aren't, your chances are zero.

:: Application ::
First of all, keep in mind that we can take
from a few hours to a week to judge it. So please, be patient.
Then, write a free form app and feel free to add what you want to it,
but we recommend you not to forget about:
• GMT___• Age___• Previous clans___• Examples of your skills
Last edited by Martin; Jan 31, 2018 at 09:19 PM.
GMT: -4
Country: America
AGE: 16 but I am 0.001. I'm the best, ;) Trust me.
Prev clan I want you to know about; Elite.
Example of my skills? Give me an operation then give me a set amount of time, Be considerate according to its importance.

I'm here also because my power is great, I was guided here by my AI, and its coordinance with my wants.
"Do you explore the unknown or are you afraid of losing your throne?" I am Soon.
Sorry man we all say no
I am a brexit survivor.
Also sometimes i go outside and wonder why am I outside.
Hey, I'm Spart4ge, but my real name is Nicolás, I live in Chile (GMT -4), I started playing this game in 2014, but obviously I left it for a while and yesterday I downloaded it again, so I'm a bit rusty atm.

My past clans in order were: (KT), [MM], (Ts), (Satire). The first three were pretty much the same clan but with different name and I was one of the leaders and foundator of them, on (KT) I met Martin when he was new to this game e.e

When I left the game I was on (Ts), I came back and everyone was dead, then I joined Satire (My first clan were I had to speak english, 'Cause you might noticed that it isn't my native language), with time I become a Co-leader of that clan, then I had to leave this game again, and when I came back it was dead too, rip xd.

So as you can see, I got a good understanding on how clan works and what could benefit this one, Oh and I forgot to say that with [MM] we managed to get rank 4 on clan list :3

Right now I don't have any proof of my skill since I lost all my replays when I had to reboot this computer, so yeah, if you wanna see my rusty gameplay, look for me ingame and I would be glad to play with anyone, my main mods are abd and lenshu3ng.

So that's it, I hope my english isn't that hard to read for you.
Mi cuerpo es tuyo mew
Spart4ge accepted invite already sent.
I am a brexit survivor.
Also sometimes i go outside and wonder why am I outside.
My UtC is (05:00)
I'm Darth, I'm 19 years old, I live in the US of A.
I work a lot of overtime at my current job which is at a factory.
I'm a solid replay maker and I'd be an incredible asset in any competitive match up. I spend most of my time now trying to help newer clans out but they keep dying. I used to be in a couple of notable clans like Aether, Vibe, and Haunted which at one point was one of the top competitive clans.
I've learned a lot from my time spent with the best of the best and I'd like to try and help newer clans grow instead of hopping aboard a great well to do clan.
I do not have any replays as I had to sell my old computer a while back and I haven't had the time to do much of anything yet, if yall are curious as to what I can do I can whip up a couple of replays on request.
"Dolphy go kiss their asses, right now, go say sorry,
Right now" ~Yaysian, striking down the hammer.
Ah that's alright figured it'd get denied anyway, most definitely going to stalk- I mean "Get to know" you guys anyway.
Will be reapplying as I'm quite hard headed but thanks for reading it anyway.
"Dolphy go kiss their asses, right now, go say sorry,
Right now" ~Yaysian, striking down the hammer.