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Tori-Team re-release!
Hello there!
For the first time since 2015, reintroducing...

Tori-Team Shiai Items!

Shiai Token Exchange

For the next few weeks we will be rotating which specific Tori Team items will be available, so if the hat you were holding out for isn't there it will be within a few weeks! They are fully tradable, and fun for the whole family. No choking hazards!

As well as this you can also pick up a Elf & Platinum Force/Relax pack for 5 tokens! This however is not tradable.

söderspy will be available for 2ST until March.
Last edited by lillian; Feb 14, 2018 at 05:57 PM.
about the elft stuff can we wear them even if we dont have enough qi ?
Ormo | TANG | Tk | RSO
Originally Posted by denilumi View Post
about the elft stuff can we wear them even if we dont have enough qi ?

yes you can
words cannot describe how disappointed i am. 2 st? really?

elf has been ruined AGAIN? really?

this just proves my point that staff is out of touch with the game.