Original Post
bring back old stuff.
We néed the old things like promo again.
Chickster: I literally don't know why I did it.
No we don't, they sucked.

We need cool stuff, not crappy promotions that'll only result in making a handful of people virtual-rich.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
^ OH HI SKULFUK! It has been a long time... yeah... long.... *pwek*

For me, the promoteam made fun events. They were ... active... Tori-News died after the 1st ish. (I'm random)

There must be a hard event with a good prize for the one and only winner.
The Game was epic... (I got a random issue)

We must bring the promoteam back with o-k prizes.
You don't even know what we are talking bout' you must have had thought TWICE before posting.

We are talking about the promoteam, the group that gave events with superb prizes.
if anything should be brought back, it's themed months with several events correlating to that theme.

i always that was really cool and creative, i don't know why anyone even got rid of it.

and (i think) everyone enjoyed having in-game, art, and replay events that all had one theme and prizes with that theme too. i think if anything old should be brought back, it's that, maybe even revamped a little bit and made better
teeth marks on my goosebumps, the chains frostbit me.
Monthly themes should be brought back.
Or make some specials for the weekends. Staff should stream too, at least some kind of quiz-tourneys-trivia-give-a-ways...

Stream some interview with Hampa maybe? Or with some popular ppl from the community.
Like you had that thread where guys from Tb where interviewed on IRC, you can do it in real time now.
@ Bojan & Batmwah

"Monthly" themes require way too much work for the gain and GM team runs out of decent ideas way too fast.

Bimonthly (still kinda strecthing it imho) / special ~month long themes are great idea. Let's hope that GMs adobt the idea.
< Larfen> also my replay thread has more views than the rules thread \o/

...This probably explains most problems in this community.
Originally Posted by Dargon View Post
GM team runs out of decent ideas way too fast.

You guys have an entire forum at your disposal.
Utilize it.
Nigma Disconnected
Quit Game.
One month is 4 weeks. That is enough time for 2 big events (2 weeks time) and 2 small ones (a week time).

Here is an example of monthly themed events:

Theme: Sci-fi (Science Fiction month)

Big event 1: Battle beyond the stars - tournament which phases are organized on different planets. On each planet different mod is used with different gravity settings, also as tournament progress the number of damage points total during matches dictates some special conditions. Players are set into 3 groups (human, alien, robot) and each group has some advantages and flaws...

Big event 2: Dangerous Planet - another tournament event where players are set into 2 groups. They duel each-other and post their replays. Number of points winner has made is converted into kilometers with special mathematics formula. It is visually presented as two color lines that grow bigger as the number of passed kilometers adds.
Two groups are competing who will explore the most of the planet's surface. Team that wins get prizes, while those with most scored wins get some bigger prizes etc...

Small event 1: Build a robot - Basically a design event where ppl are making design of the robot with specs (height, weight, purpose, tools it carries, overall look...).
Judges decide who had the best design... It can be blueprints or 3D image or drawing, as long there is a detailed description of all of the robot's parts.

Small event 2: We landed on some strange place... - Another design event where ppl can make photo manipulations or paint an image of landscape of some alien planet... Judges decide who was most creative etc...

You need one banner, to assign your GMs who will lead each event (2 for each big event and one for small ones + judges they can take from community if they wish) and some time (15-20 days) to prepare these events (text and some images, but nothing too much...). While events are ongoing you can assign some ppl to prepare scenarios for next events for next theme, and so on.
If it's too much you can even do one big and 2 small events each month.

I sat and came up with these ideas in 5 min, I'm sure a team of 10 GMs and trials could do better and much more.