Original Post
(VorteX) VorteX


Clan Story:

Eons ago, a warrior named Iceblitz was granted a power through an ancient relic, the Gaoithreag [Goy-threg], an orb of mystical gale force.With this power, he created the first order of the great clan of VorteX.
For many years, this first order flourished. They gained many allies, made many enemies, and eventually became officially recognized.
Eventually, Iceblitz' power waned, and a new leader, Psyckho, was passed the full power of the Gaoithreag.
Thus, the second order of VorteX was established.
For a time, this second order revitalized VorteX. More powerful warriors were inducted, and It seemed the clan would enter a new age of glory.

Unfortunately, as the clan got bigger and more complex, Psyckho gave the leadership to an experienced warrior named RAWWRH. What followed was inevitable decline of the clan. RAWWRH was a good leader, rivaling the skill of both Iceblitz and Psyckho, but unrest and disinterest plagued the clan, and VorteX ceased to be...

Fast-forward to today:
It seemed VorteX had been forgotten. All but a faint memory remained. But a memory did remain, and with it a survivor of the first order, DaLanimilbus, sought to rebuild the greatness that once was VorteX. During the first order, he was one of the select few to be imbued with a portion of the Gaoithreag's power. With this power, he aimed to make a new, stronger VorteX.

With the help of a new powerful warrior, Nico, VorteX has entered a new golden age, and cannot be stopped... Or so the VorteXians thought... Soon afterward, word got out of the Gaoithreag's power. Many clans gathered in opposition to attempt to seize that power for their own. But with the help of several brave and powerful members this threat has been eradicated. The VorteXians still battle their rival clans to this day. But with the help of Nico, DaLanimilbus, and the revived ancient ruler Psyckho, VorteX stands tall, ranking up rapidly in efforts to reign supreme as the top ranked clan! Unfortunately the power of Gaoithreag is too strong for some people to handle and warriors who try to seize it's power are overwhelmed and potentially corrupted by it!


VorteX is a clan of proud, honorable warriors banded together with a common goal of greatness. Our purpose is to create a powerful community centered around skill and fun.
In short, our aim as a clan is both to grow as a community, learning from each other both in game and out, and to become a respected part of the Toribash community.

1. Be respectful. Not only to your fellow VorteXians, but to others as well. This applies to the forum as well as in-game .
2. No spamming, flaming, excessive trolling, or otherwise dick-ish behavior. We are not dicks.
3. Listen to higher officials. (and lower too if they have a point).
4. No excessive begging for promotions, being op, tc, etc.
5. Perhaps the most vital rule of all here: Have fun.

-Unless these metaphysical concepts are the basis of our understanding of esoteric science, we shall fall into superstition and use magic as magicians, not as adepts; in other words, we shall be unable to transcend the bondage of the planes of form and shall be hallucinated and fall under the dominion of the phantoms evoked by the magical imagination instead of using them as the beads on the abacus of our calculations.

-*Iceblitz, ancient VorteXian Leader.

How To Become A Vortexian:
Click Here!

Single Allies:
Single Enemies:

Be 5 strong [x]
Be 10 strong [x]
Be 25 strong [x]
Win 1 clan war [x]
Win 5 clan wars[x]
Win 10 clan wars[x]
Win 15 clan wars[x]
Be in top 100 clans[x]
Be in top 50 clans[x]
Be in top 10 clans[ ]
Be in top 5 clans[ ]
Be THE top clan[ ]
Apply to become official[x]
Become official[ ]
Have 25k in Clan Bank[x]
Have 50k in Clan Bank[x]

If you have ANY questions, feel free to ask.
Some notes:
Banner art will be added.
Stuff up there is subject to change.
* means that this person is one of the ancient leaders.
Last edited by Psyckho; Feb 6, 2015 at 07:22 PM. Reason: goal updates
Proud leader of VorteX

Added your clan name to the title. You generally entitle DSCs with "[tag] <name>", even if your tag and name are the same. I may be nit-picking, though.

EDIT: Also, hard brackets are for official clans. Changed the title's one to show you're un-official (for now? ;O)
collect snots from the nose
glad to have you on board =)
Ok everyone! we now have a registered toriclan. Now let's get this show on the road.

I'd like everyone to introduce themselves to start things off. In fact, when anyone joins, go ahead and give us a bit of info on who you are on this thread. The more activity this thread has, the better! Post anything toribash-y here as well. Questions, news, stuff that happened in-game. The sky's the limit!

As for me, my real name is Elijah.
I'm 21, in collage working on two degrees, and am almost through finals.
My interests include making music, toribash(duh) and not studying for finals. :P

(You don't need to use any format or whatever, just say something )
Last edited by DaLanimilbus; Dec 1, 2014 at 10:08 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Proud leader of VorteX

My name is Marcin (Martin in english).
I'm 19 (almost 20) and my interests are music, playing guitar and IT.
Currently I'm studing for my IT technician degree and secondary school certificate. Well, from time to time :P
Can't wait to have a sparring with you
Interesting, I'm double majoring in computer science and music technology.
Similar interests.
Perhaps this was meant to be? :o
Proud leader of VorteX

Wanted to let everyone know that I'm still alive.
I have not been in game in the last couple of days due to finals.
This inactivity will not be a consistent occurrence. By Monday, I will have plenty of time to spend here.
Until then, I will try my best to be in-game whenever possible, but I can't guarantee anything. thanks for understanding. :P
Proud leader of VorteX

I can't wait to become official
I was thinkin how is it going for you because i couldn't get in touch with you in-game. Planning to be online anytime soon?

Similar interests are always a good thing