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head1: It always depends on the artist' skills. I guess Mapleleaf/macpefect would do something like this in like 10-15 mins. But Im no great artist so Idk.

For the pic, very smudgy, dont like it alot, but 4/10 for effort.
o well i thought it looked quite cool. its my first real try at something like this so im not all that fussed. i will try again another time
Originally Posted by head1 View Post
o well i thought it looked quite cool. its my first real try at something like this so im not all that fussed. i will try again another time

Thats the spirit im not good at art and closed several of my threads because they were put to shame..but i am practicing so i will get better.

I never thought of using motion trails or smudge[if thats what you used] to make the art look like its live in action..great idea..and im not a shading expert and im not a criticizer so...


Keep trying bro
No problem. Oh and i usally add softglow,or making lighting effects brighter/or a little darker depending on what style im going for. It usally makes the outcome of ur pictures look nicer


Instead of making the whole picture look in motion,maybe try to edit it so that only a part of the body is moving[never really looks nice when i do it] but u could prob. pull it off..just a thought though
I don't like it. There was unnecessary smudging on tori, and on ukes body. Try smudging a sort of trail around your foot, and blur and sharpen somethings.
