Original Post
Fuze's replays
Everyone is telling me to make a thread.
I appreciate any thoughts given.
I'll post here whenever(pretty commonly)
Attached Files
~Fuze-Scrub Flavoured.rpl (326.8 KB, 19 views)
Last edited by Fuze; Aug 13, 2013 at 07:23 PM.
Cool now you have a thread.


The first manip thingy was pretty nice, aswell as the second one. In my opinion I think you should spin him in the same direction instead of changing the directions It would make him spin faster and would look gorgeous.

Also you should try to dm him before he hits the ground.

The dms where sort of messy and I think it had more potential. (like the knee hit could have been a double knee etc).
Last edited by Internet; Aug 13, 2013 at 09:15 PM.
simple is better, don't try to get too fancy with that manip.
It doesn't have to be 700 frames long then a leg dm. Why not 300 with a boom.

You have potential so keep at it.
Don't exactly judge a replay by the size/power of hits, booms really don't matter that much in a replay.

As for your replay, you should have reworked the style of the hits as internet said, they looked quite messy, if you cleaned them up the result would have been much better imo.
Sold my dog to join RRO
will work on it, thanks for the replies
ok last one for today
one of my older ones, but one of my favorites
Attached Files
~Fuze-Neverending Strife.rpl (217.3 KB, 17 views)