Original Post
[IMG]99 Frames
thats 99 frames right there
(waist of time but i got nothing to do) hope you like it post what u think and il see if i get a idea from it

damn keep forgetting to put[IMG] on tittle sorry T~T
no it not filter i never fliter nothing always made in china lol jk always hand made
Last edited by BrogzillaX; May 25, 2010 at 01:27 AM.
Looks like a filter,
Cool effect but takes too long to show your name.
Font is lame.
Try to make some custom animations.
4/10 if filter
If hand made 6/10
I doubt this was hand-made, looks like you used the mosaic filter with an increased amount per frame.
5/10 for effort.

Try making something designed, like an actual animation of a figure or something.
lol this is nice but i think i don't really like it so much i will give u 7/10
sorry but u should change this font
I'm not qualified to judge animations, as I don't know the level of skill required, but I sort of like this. Reminds me of some of the animations in old '90's cartoons I watched where text would sort of diffuse and disperse in that bizarre, '90's way.

back from the dead
its not that hard oyster
i dont think he put much work in it

hell i dont even think he added that mosiac thing more each frame

the entire thing is an animation filter

like spinning globe except differnt...

1/10 due to the fact u put no work into the actull animation other then the fact of the first frame...
hanz0:Very well done. These annoy me much less than the default smilies we've got right now.
I kept expecting it to turn into a cow!!! Oh I am so disappointed now! >_<
the "Z" in the animation looks like a 2. Had to look at your name to make sure which it was.

It did give me the cartooney feeling oyster mentioned.

I think it's pretty cool.
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